Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
Never has so much been demanded from one game. Cyberpunk 2077 can push the most high-end of PC hardware and delivers a true next generation experience – and as our upcoming console videos shall reveal, the last-gen PS4 and Xbox One machines struggle to manage, even with a brutally pared back experience. But what has CD Projekt RED achieved at the absolute high-end? Armed with a high-end PC running with an RTX 3090, John Linneman shows you Cyberpunk 2077 at its absolute best: ray tracing, max settings, DLSS, the works.
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It's not "Style over substance", it's "Style and substance over performance".
As beautiful as this is, you can tell even on an i9 processor and RTX 3090, it performs below 60FPS when everything is cranked up (Ray tracing, etc). Game has a ways to go in terms of updates and patches. Either way, excellent job!
12:01 I thought that was from Blade Runner. Like seriously. Impressive feat when a game achieves that level of graphical rendering.
my ps4 hates this video
Too bad the AI is so crap, and people move and react unrealistically.
I am not really seeing a lot of difference since the last console. Infamous second son had better graphics than this, especially if you compare it with the first teaser trailer which came out long time ago.
I am testing the game after the 1.05 (second) update on the One X, and it has raytracing implemented.
I'm playing this on my Playstation 3 in full 8K at one frame per month. Every month I change the poster on my TV.
It looks fking gorgeous on raytracing
my buddy runs it fine on his 1060 and i max it out on my 2060 super
Something that bothers me here is lack of shadows on people in night-time scenes. Looks like shadows calculate correctly from sunlight but not from emissive sources – even with RT shadows on. Overall though a beautiful game, and the bugs will be fixed I'm sure.
The thing with open world NPCs is that everyone seems to be on their own, you don’t really see groups of people walking together, or couples holding hands, just individual NPCs walking about, with the occasional duo facing each other, or a group sat/stood somewhere.
I'm sure the console versions didn't stack up whatsoever.
I am so happy that my old rtx 2080 can still do all the fancy raytracing in this game while keeping me at a clean 60fps. (i use vsyc sue me lol)
Edit:I am loving this game so much and I keep hearing people make comparisons to
Deus Ex I might have to go check them out lol
Also its been a while but i think this game almost brings back the feeling I had playing Neocron back in the day but cant really remember lol 😀
Maxed out…lol not even close
Does the "next generation" have a really horrible physics? Does it have a thousand of bugs? This video is a complete joke.
18:18 "but the way that it's impressive is that it jump cuts between different scenes" Impressive how specifically, perhaps graphically only? This kind of storytelling is exactly how NOT to make a videogame. Introduce us to a new player-character and non-player character and then have then be enemies and quickly establish their friendship through a series of cutscenes? Yeah fuck that. Pretty sure that contributed to not only one of the worst first-hour-gameplay experiences I have had in a title this large, but also failed to get me to give two shits about V or Stanley at all. Plus, at 30FPS anyway, why not just pre record rendered footage anyway. Seriously the intro to this game is a readme file on "how to not introduce your AAA game". Look at Half Life 2 or basically anything else. This was a snore-fest and badly botched.
Is there a way to solve the draw distance problem? Seeing those 2D-cars in the distance is (almost) fine, but why do they disappear as you approach? There's no connection between distant and close rendering.
I can't believe you didn't mention how broken and prone to bugs this engine is. It uses some very cheap tricks to mask what it does, and the AI is one of the worst in gaming. The engine can't simulate complex things. The beauty of this game is skin deep.
despite all of those immersive function, I wish they at least allowed you to sit on chair or lean to the wall, may be even throw in eating animation when you choose to see your character eat food – this game is immersive and beuatiful and I wish I have more options to enjoy the environment other than just playing the game
You probably know this but, you didn't need to shoot your way out that sandstorm mission. If you had a high enough technical ability, you could've escaped in stealth through the pipes.