Why Dex DeShawn Was Doomed From the Start | Cyberpunk 2077 Character Analysis & Explained

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TODAY, we get into all the little hints that show us Dexter DeShawn’s true intentions and personality. I don’t think he was ever going to give Jackie and V a fair shake, and I think he just would’ve swept their deaths under the rug as, “gig-related accidents”, no matter what. But as much of an opportunist Dex might have been, he was the kind who refused to endure the discomfort of learning.

Because of that, I don’t believe that Dex ever would’ve made it far even if he had managed to get the relic. Even if he HAD been planning on actually giving it to Evelyn (which i doubt), he would’ve have escaped corp notice for long.

Maybe if Dex had learned from his mistakes after Pacifica, things could’ve been different. But I also doubt he would’ve taken on the heist anyway, in that case.

Likely cut content aside, there was a LOT of detail put into Dex as a character, despite his limited appearances in-game. His impact lived on a lot longer than I think we all wish it had.

Thank you so much for watching! Have a good one guys. GOOODBYYYYYEEE! 😀

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All music either belongs to CDPR, or to Epidemic Sound. This video is for analysis and entertainment purposes only.

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20 thoughts on “Why Dex DeShawn Was Doomed From the Start | Cyberpunk 2077 Character Analysis & Explained”

  1. Been loving cyberpunk and I'm on my second playthrough and it bugs me to no end i can grind Watson and get chromed verging on cyberpysho, and i still get one tapped by Dex's goon

  2. First time meeting Dex in his limo: "… Woman's name's Evelyn Parker. Vettin' her wasn't easy. Put the word out was lookin' for any kinda intel… Some brothers from Pacifica got back to me. Tol' me to stop lookin', end of convo, heheh…" – End of convo! The Voodoo Boys told him to back off and that's it! In hindsight that was suspicious as hell and smelled like big trouble.

  3. I'm just 10-15 hours into my first cyberpunk 2077 run. A bit blown away, was not expecting this much depth and thought into a game. Things like how the staging of the two main 'deaths', V followed by Silverhands demise left me wondering, after coming to consciousness in the landfill, not just where I was but who I was. And having that experience revisited so quickly yet again at Viks

    Your deshawn videos are fantastic. I am very looking forward to viewing the rest of your content after completing my playthrough

  4. As someone who never saw the trailers, I always found t bugs post heist plans to be suspicious. She Intended to leave town and basically vanish, and seemed to know that loose threads tying her to the heist would not be a concern.

  5. Found you likely because I'm doing my phantom liberty run and have been watching a lot of lore videos. I'm in awe of just how much effort went into the story. I don't think many award winning movies go into this much detail.

    One thing about t bug, i do recall from another video that there is either an off hand comment or message about her body being found after the heist.

  6. I truly wish that CDPR wasn't forced to drop the 'settling in as a merc' gameplay and reduce it to just its cutscenes. There was so much that could have been done to establish Jackie's personality and tendencies more solidly. And to show the player what a real fixer is like, so that when Dex comes along, the player can more easily see the red flags. As it is, players lack even the most basic skepticism that should have been in play for V, no matter what their background. The player is still too new to this setting.

  7. I feel like Faraday, from the anime, was inspired by Dexter DeShawn. They both follow a similar arc. Both underestimate the mercs that they're working with, have no higher creed than pure self-interest, and try to play corps in order to pull themselves from the brink; this results in the end of their arc as some form of refuse. After their arcs, they're effectively forgotten for the rest of the story, despite their critical role as inciting characters.

    Excellent video as always. More Cyberpunk analysis, please!

  8. Thank you so much. Dex was a ficer that was running in borrowed time. Jackie and V were definitely commodities that he was using instead of being in business with. Dex I feel was looking at doing this job to get out of Night City. This may hemave been his last ticket out of Night City to disappear on the moon in obscurity and as the fixer that pulled off one of the biggest heists ever. Thus it would repair his name as a fixer but it would allow him to slip into the "Black Hand" role and become a living legend. The heist itself, the plan, the net runner, and Dex's own position tells me that Dex never had the confidence that this heist was going to be a success for these two nobody mercs. Hell Mr. Hands, who I think may have taken his position as The Fixer, wouldn't give out jobs that high level to just any merc. I think T bug was supposed to smturn on us as soon as we dropped the chip off and then her and dex would finally be out of Night City. The way Dex carries out our business is completely opposite to those of the best fixers in the game. I spotted this on my second play through the nomad. This mission backs up Dex and only Dex. However they failed to realize that crossing Saka is like crossing the devil themselves.

  9. Dex made me realise a couple things, on later playthroughs. One, he's a warning that V is right in the car if he says there's no such thing as a quiet retirement in NC. You're either somebody or you're worm bait. Dex wanted "the quiet life" and it got him dead, because there's no room for that in the NC jungle.

    And two, if you're playing a Nomad and ask Jackie about his motorcycle, you find out he bought it on credit. The man took a loan to buy a fancy bike, in Night Bloody City, home of the knee-breaking loan sharks and 666% interest rates. That alone should have told me everything about his priorities, foresight, and common sense.


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