What Happens If You Kill A NPC at the Beginning in 1.0 vs. 1.5 | Cyberpunk 2077

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21 thoughts on “What Happens If You Kill A NPC at the Beginning in 1.0 vs. 1.5 | Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. In addition, there are npc errors holding items such as guns, cigarettes, and phones. Error of hacking sound repeated and prolonged, npc error floating in the air.

  2. There is probably a good reason for this. It's the tutorial and some players are going to be ass first time driving. This is more than likely just so the player doesn't get a frustrating game over because they are still learning the controls.

  3. The game is way better for me with 1.5 . But you can't deny the game still freaks out allot . Like calling your car in certain areas makes it drive through concrete walls . And some dialog options causes V to yell when it seems completely unnecessary . The badlands missions still feel very unnatural . Sometimes when you scan an object the icon will remain in your display 4 kilometers away . But atleast they fixed the biggest issues I had with it at launch . People should realize that these videos aren't just there to shit on the game . But they do display issues for a thing you already paid for (unless you pirated it) paying for a faulty product does actually give you the right to complain about something if you've been sold something that wasn't promised to you . Maybe in another 2 years we would see that promised product sure . But 3 years after buying it is quite a long time . The game has all the mechanics to make it work . Right now it just needs a crapload of fine tuning . Like blocking off the road with your car (without any violent actions) will cause the traffic to stay there for an hour if you wanted . They should let the "panic driving" trigger after about 15 seconds with npc dialog saying something like . I don't have time for this instead of ahhh he will kill us all

  4. I just started a new game today and I really tried but everyone is invulnerable in this location. In ver. 1 I could kill them. I'm on PS4. They updated v's starting car too.


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