What are you, Brendan!? | CYBERPUNK 2077 | Episode 32 | MegMage Plays

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4 thoughts on “What are you, Brendan!? | CYBERPUNK 2077 | Episode 32 | MegMage Plays”

  1. You remind me of what Clint Eastwood said in one of his western movie. He said something to the extent that, do you know why I'm the best gunman around. The secret is that while everbody panics in a shootout and start shooting all over the place I stay calm and pick my shots. You play like that, you stay calm in the
    shootouts and get so many head shots that even Clint would be jealous lol 👍🏻👍🏻

  2. I just wanted to say you're not the only one that feels the way you do about this update cuz I had almost 400 hours starting from release and before this update and then this update came out and I just had to start a new game cuz holy crap it's just a lot smoother! If you would ask me where would it be smoother I would just say literally everywhere 😂


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