Cyberpunk 2077 – I Have Bad News About The Next-Gen Update…But It's Going To Be Ok. New Updates!

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Cyberpunk 2077 News Update – So yes, I have some bad news about the Cyberpunk 2077 next-gen updates for PS5 and Xbox Series X as well as PC. Also what about the Cyberpunk Netflix series? Let’s talk about it…

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40 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – I Have Bad News About The Next-Gen Update…But It's Going To Be Ok. New Updates!”

  1. Yes, I would. I had very few issues with Cyberpunk 2077 on PC, and for me was a good game. So FOR ME buying a Witcher 4 would not be a big thing.

    I also don't really care about more apartments, because there's really no reason to even go back to the one we have right now. Kinda pointless IMO. I don't believe that I am "owed" anything free from CDPR because I already got my monies worth.

  2. 3 years before CP2077 release it was already pretty likely that it would be a mess. Around 60% of senior devs had quit after Witcher 3 crunch, Badowsky was known to be one of the worst egomaniac bully in the industry and one more time was pushing out any artistic director that was enrolled, and with all this mess they couldn't start development until they had their engine, which was mid 2016 but their ambitions were still over the top. In fact it was already surprising that Witcher 3 had been that good because all the management mess was already there (explaining why most competent devs went away).

    It was notorious that CDPR head staff wasn't able to question themselves and admit their flaws. They only did it in some communications once after release Cyberpunk catastrophic debacle happen. And it was obvious they did it because of the pressure of investors and share holders, but the real understanding of their flaws was likely just a communication strategy. Right now it is pretty likely that Witcher 4 will be produced within the same mess, if not worse, and, while preorders are in general the most idiotic move any video game consumer can do, it would be a wise one in this specific case ? No freackin way.

    Trust has been broken so many times by CDPR/GOG (and keep being brake) that there is absolutely none left, unless being one of the worst fanboy around.

  3. I will never preorder anything. Im not about to sponsor anyone without actually knowing what im getting. I tried it for the first time with CP2077, and got burned pretty good, so no, i will never preorder because i think it is kinda dumb. Mostly because of all the broken games released for the last years. I am willing to pay full price after a month or so, when i have seen multiple reviews and i know what im getting… Never preordering anything, no games, no tech, no nothing…

  4. Netflix cyberpunk series will come out unfinished bad graphics and uncoherent story. example suppose to be 13 episodes but only 10 released with a promise of missing 3 episodes released in the next 2 years if no more problems.

  5. OH MY FUCKING GOD, I’m sick In tired of some of these games, DELAY…DELAY…DELAY, Elden ring got pushed back 33 days which I’m annoyed about, Now CP77 is not getting next gen upgrade until first quarter of 2022. All the good stuff is next year.

  6. Considering the current state of the Cyberpunk 2077, Q1 2022 target release is very optimistic, IMO.
    As for the pre-order, it's the No. 1 reason the games like Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 76, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Battlefield 4 & 5, etc. are released as a broken down mess. Kids, you need to stop doing that. If not, the games quality will continue to decline!

  7. Please don't be so naive! Remember how CDPR kept telling us how Cyberpunk will release "when its ready"? Same people! They are now making more promises because clearly what they aimed for has not come to fruition. They are clearly struggling, not knowing what they are doing. I would not be surprised if most talented developers have quit CDPR by now, leaving them to recruit 3rd party studios to do their work. It is not a good sign and people need to keep their expectations in check! Don't expect anything good from this failing game developer.

  8. Personally I don't really care when it's coming out. As long as it's GOOD.

    I've already played through main game and I got Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 and Mass Effect trilogy to play, while I'm waiting other big name games. to come out

    I think CDPR just failed in the marketing of this game, and would have saved a TON of struggle just by calling it "Early Access", then we wouldn't have to wait for "next gen" release. Baldurs Gate 3 has been in "Early Access" past 2 years soon, even though it's not added new areas since it's release outside of the Act 1 area it added in last upgrade.

  9. I remember watching a YouTube video 8 months ago already talkin about this delay stuff so yeah I already knew that the next-gen updates wasn't coming until 2022 where is everybody actually been under a rock

  10. The run up to the release of Cyberpunk 2077 was the most hyped I have ever been for a video game. The marketing team smashed it.
    I saw the flaws at release but really enjoyed he game on PS5 and agree they didn’t deliver on all of the expectations.
    I’ve recently been wanting to jump back in but I’m holding off for a next gen patch and hopefully a large DLC. Not sure if im still going to be interested next year with all the upcoming releases.

  11. I enjoy CDPR's games and The Witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time. In the future I plan to wait until their games are released and how well they are reviewed and received by gamers, as well as the stability and overall experience people are having with the games overall, and buy them once they are in that "polished, finished" state.

  12. Yes Yes and Yes…

    Happy to pre-order "The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt" for PS5.
    Happy to pre-order "Cyberpunk 2077" for PS5.
    Happy to pre-order "The Witcher 4" for PS5.

    I know updates are free but i don't care and will purchase the games again to still support the studio.

    For me Cyberpunk 2077 wasn't really a big disappointment…

    Sure there where bugs, crashes and even quests that i was not able to finish. But all is patched pretty much to a state that it's way more playable.

    Yes MORE "Saints Row" and for "Elden Ring" not really my cup of tea.

  13. Id still buy witcher 4. I dont think pre order is a good idea for any game as its so common for day one editions of games to suck. CDPR arent the only developers to stuff up a game at launch. EA, ubisoft, blizzard, activision theyve all made consistently crap games and still sell well so cdpr will be no different and i dont mind to be honest. Theyre a good company at heart

  14. to the fleshing out of Lifepaths:
    I think the Lifepaths are good as they are simply because they just say how V ended up in the Place he ended up in, not a complete Backstory.

    yes they CAN be fleshed out, but they dont need to be when there are so many other thing CDPR should focus on.


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