WELCOME TO NIGHT CITY!!! | Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Livestream #1

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39 thoughts on “WELCOME TO NIGHT CITY!!! | Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Livestream #1”

  1. I have Nudity censor on so that I won't get in trouble with Youtube, so sorry if yall are looking for that πŸ’
    But this game is a bit confusing in some parts and buggy in others, but i'm still gonna give it a chance

  2. My character: This killing is bull shit. All it does is let them die a hero then many more replaces them. I knew I should of obeyed this universes version of Padame Armadala from Star Wars, she's actually in existence over here. Where I'm going? I got a certain woman to visit to beg she becomes my servant mistress, then I always obey her. Bye "

  3. What fool ask that question why is your character black better you than me I would have pulled the Chris Jericho and say just for that you just made the list put them on your list like you did Nikolai and iron from Resident Evil 2 and 3 I mean that was a dumb ass question that's like coming up and asking somebody why would you want cheese on your hamburger and you just asked for a cheeseburger

  4. "They need third person cause I didn't know I'm running round naked!"

    Me: I wonder what third person irl would be like…. cause I've run around in 1st person not realizing my shirt is inside out.

  5. Ooooooo

  6. 3 things I don’t like so far:
    1. No matter what lifepath you choose you still end up in night city doing the same shit. I thought Choosing Corpo would leave you in the high rise towers making big moves for money trying to become a boss. So your life path has ZERO meaning.
    2. it’s very on the rails. You can’t touch nothing else or explore or do something fun like jus go to a club or play pool or eat. This is a RPG right?
    3. CAC is actually really…meh. A lot of copy and paste from NPCs options given too you. Like Jackie’s face plates, it’s literally copy pasted for you, also as you walk more through the game you see more and more creative cyber ware that they DIDNT give you as an option. And then you don’t see your character enough.
    Jus some small complaints because they advertised this game too be such an amazing ROLE Playing game. When In reality it’s jus a really fun interactive Universal 3D Ride.

  7. Here is a question? why is it that they went all out on the gender be but yet the cant even put African features in the game.Β Like There isn't anyΒ  ProminentΒ  African nose cheekbones or lips and hairstyle πŸ€” skin tones are terrible.Β Sports games Are the only media To focus on this due necessity black features are thought about.Β Not a good start I thought this game would be more Inclusive experience.Β Β I believe theΒ  Focus group when creating this game did not have any form of diversity In regards to who this game made for.Β It Just seems that African Features left out.Β Prime example You can have a black girl but she looks European.Β And then you can have a black guy but His limited to European hair styles and texture hair of beard or outside of a Western world have a bold head buzzcut or forced to have rastafarian.Β Or 10+ different straight hairstyle.Β I just Expect better in this game and in the games industry.


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