Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
The most hyped game of 2020 has finally arrived but is Cyberpunk GOOD and was I WRONG to be so excited for this release? Lets find out in my brutally honest review!
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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #PS4
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. The story takes place in 2077 at Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the first-person perspective of a customisable mercenary known as V, who can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat.
Cyberpunk 2077 was developed using the REDengine 4 by a team of around 500, exceeding the number that worked on the studio’s previous game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015). In this video DreamcastGuy does a brutally honest review for Cyberpunk while talking over gameplay and shot combat, story, side quests, and even dirving while talking about the glitches, graphics, and acting of all the major characters. CD Projekt launched a new division in Wrocław, Poland, and partnered with Digital Scapes, Nvidia, QLOC, and Jali Research to aid the production.
Cyberpunk creator Mike Pondsmith was a consultant, and actor Keanu Reeves has a starring role. The original score was led by Marcin Przybyłowicz, featuring the contributions of several licensed artists.
It will be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One on 10 December 2020, and will be released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021. The game received universal acclaim from critics for its world design, characters, enthralling role-playing experience, and its general innovative approach, while most of the criticism centered around the game’s extensive technical issues.
This was legit the hardest review I have ever put together. THANK YOU for watching and LIKING the video! <3
21 hours in your first playthrough?
I really despise reviewers trying out games on the most high end consoles or pcs and then talking about how great it is.
If you honestly played this on the ps4 or Xbox one you wouldn't even c olmllete the game, it's so blurry it's unplayable without feeling like it's causing you some serious eye damage. I love the potential and when I see it on PC and the new gens it's amazing but on ps4 and Xbox one it is down right horendious. It's like someone slapped butter on a camera lens the whole time, I've actually had to stop playing the game many times because i actually felt like the game was damaging my eyes.
Play it on the older and newer gen before making a new "honest" review next time.
When you play it on the ps4 and Xbox (original versions not the slim or whatever) you'll see this game in a different light
Just basically true crime streets of la on steroids 🤷🏾♂️
Rip console peasants all have to buy ps5 now. Game is good on pc people shit on it for no reason. Really good rpg.
I mean after about 12 hours. Go watch skillup if you want 50 minutes of detail. Heres my 2 second comment take on the game that any gamer can identify with. It's like gta humps fallout new vegas. Thriving constantly alive city. What is so remarkable to me is how they make the city feel way bigger in scope and size than los santos and also verticality. But it's an RPG. Your going to be doing much more conversating than gta. And much more upgrading.
I mean I could hide the groupie scene in god of war easily at 12. Just dont go there in front of them. You can not screw around w strange ladies in the evening in cars on gta and stay out of the strip club and again. Hide from mom and dad. Any parent that sets and watches their kid a few hours is gonna have a cow. And I really couldn't hide this at 12 myself.
Mark my words. This game is bad enough there will be some parents who have seen gta. Let their 12 yr old play. Cool mom or dad. That got this for their kid, that will ban them from playing it when they see it in action on xmas am. And complain to ted Cruz and mitch McConnell
Hahaha is this sarcasm??
This review seems really untrustworthy to be 'brutally honest'.
'the game seems to be locked pretty much at 60fps' …. Literally every other review especially Digital Foundry have confirmed it barely hits 60… And on Quality Mode it dips as low as 20.
'i can't believe how smooth this game is' …. Again, everyone else disagrees.
12 year olds. This is a NIGHTTIME game. Even on xmas. Or you will be plotting the demise of your parents bc they just yanked GOTY out of your hands 2 hours in, like a couple of facist dictators and you ain't getting it back for another 6 years.
And for the commenter who inevitably will say turned off in options I will ask you my wife's question. How do you lock the options? I answered her with a child's high moral integrity. Anyone got better?
But uhhh there is too much sex. Too much keanu. Too much hype. Cdpr shouldve just sent ted cruz an advanced complimentary copy with a note attached that says see you in washington soon to discuss this. Hilarious. Beat the army of dec 26th m tag ignoring parents.
I can tell by the comments this is going to be the game that makes you cool if you shit on it. Edge lords unite!
I for the life of me struggle with aiming and shooting so much in Cyberpunk. Why is the combat so terrible?! It’s a first person shooter it’s supposed to be smooth and clean.
If I wouldve been CDPR. I wouldve put an additional very large label on the package. Even though this game has keanu reeves. It is a very adult game with adult them. Parents have been warned. Or something to that effect.
Whenever I read a title like 'was I wrong?' I know they're going to say in the video 'boy, was I right!', lol.
exactly exactlyyyy…keanu was not a good addition to the game at all. he messed it up, at the most emotional heart wrenching part of the game, keanu shows up and messed up the pace of it.
Essentially like a cigarette warning. Bc I have a feeling its getting some kind of surgeon generals warning on there.
Now I'm sure they thought we will put it in the options menu to turn off but ted cruz, like my wife, likes to nag and ask annoying questions.
Bro…I love you, but the way you string together sentences sometimes is so cringe 😂 Slow down dude.
I would actually write somewhere in that legal statement, way worse that gta v, for the first time ever in legal statements.
Maybe I've got this take wrong. Maybe this is the game dev version of rappers going to jail for street cred. You ain't no real game dev until you've been to washington to answer some questions. Cdpr is heading to the Mecca, baby!
I personally know of one congressman myself in my state. If this was six years ago. He would be getting a surprise from his 13 year old boy and mr keanu reeves. YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK!
We all can accept now ted cruz will either call the game cyberspunk or keanu shoots a porno.
Itll probably be cyberspunk to mitch. Honestly.
But all joking aside. It is the 2nd greatest game I have played next to gta v and at this point. Gta online and 10 years of free content are the only thing keeping it in the lead. This city feels immense. Makes los Santos feel laughable.
All the hype over a glitchy Bethesda-ish game.
I didn no watched the whole video because of the amount of dislikes the video got. I watched the first 2 minutes and you are talking good about the game, which is a good thing. But I cannot keep watching because I dont know whats gonna happen in the next minutes, the video has too much dislikes, you probably said something not good about game. Sorry 🙁
I like alot about this game, but the antialiasing is horrendous. I agree the driving is awesome, the gunplay is sluggish and recoil is real, i dont shoot guns but it seems real to me.
run's the best on pc the other version's are the shit port's especially when you compare the 4 diff ray tracing option's plus a slider to increase it over ultra setting changing the entire look of the game.
PS4 gameplay is ridiculously bad. I lasted about 2 hours before I thought I'm going to hold off until I get a PS5. Face and building textures taking 5 seconds to load is unbearable
what does it offer ? after 8 years ?
Play it on normal…. 🤣🤣
So is this game better than Shadowrun on the Genesis?
Wait you played 60 hrs of it and did all that ? That sounds like an awful short game or you really rushed through this.