Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion – DLC – Patch 1.6 – Edgerunners

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Cyberpunk 2077 – Cyberpunk Edgerunners – Anime


29 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion – DLC – Patch 1.6 – Edgerunners”

  1. Still feels that Cyberpunk 2077 needs way more work before it can be considered finished; there are still a lot of features that the game needs, like a NG+ that doesn't have the main story but rather new missions and activities…

  2. Honestly, i am still tired about how the entire game treated the corpo and the nomad, to focus only on the "street kid" for playing the "edgerunner" lifestyle. And always pointing the fact corpos are always bad and the act like bidimentional characters, or how the entire game is not an RPG but just a generic far cry clone. Despite it has some interesting moments but is all about "silverhand" and the "save yourself". Instead to actually play as V all the time.
    It was better if Silverhand was the main protagonist with his own linear story, in his own standalone game.


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