V vs David Martinez (Cyberpunk 2077 & Edgerunners)

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23 thoughts on “V vs David Martinez (Cyberpunk 2077 & Edgerunners)”

  1. Y’all need to stop relating gameplay to lore. We might not have seen the fight as super badass but in the lore, that fight between V and smasher definitely was fucking epic. Believe it or not the anime is still canon, so everything we saw really happened. All the cool and strong moves Adam had were still nothing to V

  2. V obviously whole different level to David. David a telented kid who got forced down a tragic path, he was defiant to the end but it was hopeless from the start. V on the other hand was genuinely "built different".

    David is to V as Punisher is to Thor

    Imagine if Punisher had to fight Thanos. Poor David.

  3. Dude how David wins strenght when V can handle so much more implants? Implants literally play the biggest role in their strenght …..Also giving "implants" to David … V literally has all the implants available in anime and much more….

  4. David just wanted one thing and that's to protect lucy and make her dream come true

    This is stupid both where great stop making this debate I just wish the game came more polish it would've been great to experience a world like cyberpunk

  5. Sorry boys, V is OP as fuck. He solo'd Smasher in his canon story, which NO ONE could do before him, and he can be built however you choose as a player so he could theoretically outskill anyone in any section.

  6. Nah cyber implants goes to v as well, the sandervistan that david prize so much is literally dirt to v and common lol, though if you're gonna take in the machine david used…nah he'll still lose lol v has way more implants.


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