This is Why You Should Betray Songbird in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty! All Rewards & Endings

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Why You Should Betray Songbird in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

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00:00 โ€“ Intro
00:38 โ€“ Firestarter Mission Branching
01:40 โ€“ Side with Reed or Songbird
02:28 โ€“ Unique Skippable Items from Kurt
03:03 โ€“ Game Explains Max Tac in Dog Town
03:58 โ€“ Which Netrunner To Call? Outcomes and Rewards
04:30 โ€“ Calling Nix for Help
05:07 โ€“ Calling Chang-Hoon
05:42 โ€“ Call Carol Emeka
06:28 โ€“ Call Sandra Dorsett
06:46 โ€“ Calling Hands Unique Rewards
07:31 โ€“ Max Tac Mantis Blades
08:40 โ€“ Somewhat Damaged โ€“ Black Wall Missable Items
11:05 โ€“ Behaviour Chip for That Corosion
11:38 โ€“ Let Songbird Die Ending
13:20 โ€“ Songbird Lives
14:52 โ€“ Secret Ending Time Skip: Who Wants to Live Forever

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18 thoughts on “This is Why You Should Betray Songbird in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty! All Rewards & Endings”

  1. What you get for betraying Songbird good and bad edition
    Bad: death of Alex, MaxTac killing, rogue AI bot and her begging you to kill her
    Good: kill the bastard that killed Alex, get his iconic weapons, possibly get the twin netrunners car (follow-up quest I guess), get a RE (Resident Evil) cyberpunk experience, get to see Songbirds past and have the power of the Blackwall in the form of a quickhack or weapon but downside another voice in your head
    Conclusion: the good outweighs the bad and plus she betrayed you first so ya just returning the favour a win-win in my books

  2. The only missable iconic from Hansen is the fang knife. You can get the bald eagle and wild dog by just going to the room in which Alex kills him during fire starter

  3. doing the bad ending just to get Erebus or Canto is kinda of bummer because let me tell you something, neither of those items are the best in their category. There are best smg and cyberdecks in the game

  4. As cool as the rewards i get for siding with reed i choose to sude with songbird since killing reed let me get his gun and its cool one to use in stealth build plus more to rhjnk bakut either side with reed and nusa and be part of the system or side with songbird and goveith the rebel side and break the cycle

  5. I want to point out a bugg that happens if you trun and side with Reed after he tells you to call a netrunner the phone will bugg out even you unable to even call a car now a fix I used after trying thing is go vust a joy toy that should fix it now bugg number 2 happens no matter what you pick the bugg is at base game no point of return if you told Reed you need to think about it you get him as a option in base game endings choice butt after strating to call Reed the game buggs out and nothing happens jhonny just standing there this bugg happens even on ps5 it's something I wish YouTuber would talk about instead of talking about cdpr bullshit stroy telling when the game is sill broken asf this part of the problem ppl hypeing up cdpr so and there ego when they really have done nothing to fix cyberpunk plus it's really lazy of them not to have dlc open up after ase game endings and tite it to your ending choice

  6. I like the stuff you get from betraying songbird side. The boss fights with Hansen and especially MaxTac was epic. And the unexpected horror segment was welcome.

  7. in terms of which missions are more fun and what rewards are better its definitely better to side with Reed and betray Songbird but personally i think sending her to the moon is the most satisfying conclusion if you weigh in all the factors besides the loot and which missions you get. otherwise the next best option is killing her in cynosure, leaving both options where she gets send to myers "alive" as the worst outcome imo, unless some people really want that new ending where V survives and chooses the quiet life.

  8. I love how they play with your feelings here. You can side with Reed (somewhat trustworthy – shows he's loyal to his ideals and people if you're on his side) and live, do what you'd prioritise if it was your real life. So-mi isn't exactly anyone but a stranger.

    Or you can do the hero thing people do in games and try to save So-mi, the relatable character in similar distress, who would 100% of the time put saving her own life above anyone else's. Her intentions are clear all along. To play 4d chess. Save herself. Maybe someone else along the way.

    Anyway. Solo assault on Arasaka. Every time. But PL's Reed path is a great storyline.

  9. Betraying Songbird. I really liked the ending for V where he cant run cyberware, most people thought it sucked but he LIVED! Also putting his Crime life behind him and hopefully move forward for a normal life and mayb wife and kids!


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