Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
Today we talk about the future of Cyberpunk 2077. We just saw some low level updates on the massive patch 1.5 and how it may be nearing release. We go over some of the liinger issues with the game and why it is so important for Cyberpunk 2077’s next patch and DLC to dliever for CD Projekt Red.
SteamDB Updated:
Author – NedaksMac
#Cyberpunk2077 #CyberpunkUpdate #CyberpunkDLC
Is it just me or did the graphics get really bad after last update? On PC 3060ti looked incredible then like a last gen game. was gonna mod it
So…the most important updates are the user mods.
CDPR should hire the modders to help finish the game, or just give up
It's simple! Do what GTA does:
Remove that stupidity of clothes having armor!!
Introduce barbers.
Introduce car tuning shops.
Something that hasn’t been fixed for me and it needs to be addressed is cars being immobilized if you approach certain mission areas. I hate driving past Lizzie’s bar and not being able to keep going.
I really hope this isn't click be bait
The issues isnt that the game isnt enjoyable .. at all, or something like that. The issues is that there are many things that are very immersion-breaking . Like the non-credible police force of this universe, you can hardly take that stuff "seriously".
they should have pulled a Hello Games on this one, Just be silent and work on the game, no promises which can be broken or any bullshit. But hopefully it will be better, I might just jump in one more time
Fix the problems and add a 3rd person (3rd person is just a personal opinion), and I'd play this game so much more. If it needs mods to work, then it's probably gonna die off in the next few years
the cops need a rework they just wrong
dafuq people are talking about its being 60$ game? it was 30 on release and its 30 now…
no mans sky made it so can cyberpunk
All updates are irrelevant until they add a way to skip non-skippable, dialogue cutscenes.
I cannot believe we're still waiting for this to be a complete game, nor can I understand the praise. People aren't only too easily entertained, but will also gladly, and with a smile on their face, pay CDPR to turn them into cucks. smh.
Honestly I think just adding public transport and floating vehicles would be enough for me to replay the game.
Is it coming to console?
People play the game on the easiest difficulty and then complain the NPCs are dumb….
Fix the police, add the train back, car and character customisation and then add more to the story and things to do in night city itself.
No update can fix this game. It can't be fixed because the project is all wrong. Just remaking it from scratch but CDPR doesn't care because there are people who say it's fun but forget that this is not the game that DPR promised us. An example of this is that it's been over a year and the game is still the same.
Hopefully there's a update we're we can switch between 3rd and 1st person
I really loved playing Cyberpunk, even with the glitches. I'm just happy to see they are still working on it and didn't give up
I know CDPR messed up on launch big time but it's worth to notice they care about the game and want to fix it, unlike other companies who just completely abandon their game.
Low damage?
What difficulty are you playing on because right now on my playthrough where difficulty is set to very hard shotguns are scary. No 🎩
Also remember its an RPG usually mobs with High HP and high Def with lower damage means "this is a tank"
Another thing the perk "cant touch this" exists
The game gets boring like in 5 minutes
I got the platinum and haven’t played much since. Eagerly waiting for the next patch.
I need some more interactions with your romance interest, like going on missions with them or dates just more content
A patch so big it's gonna need patching ;>
I have 300+ hours on my X1. it crashed about as much as Witcher 3 did at release. The crime system was… well, about what it was in Witcher 3, ie nearly non existent. At this point I'm just waiting on the big DLC.
I am so glad I was too broke to pre-order this game. It actually boggles my mind how they could let a game this unfinished release.
When doing my pure brawler playthrough, I actually thoroughly enjoyed the Beat on the Brat side missions. It was overall one of the most fun builds I'd ever done. I wish they'd added MORE fights though. The extra fight against Ozob was cool, but there should've been some random people you can come across looking to fight for a couple thousand eddies. I'm reminded of the ronin duels in Ghost of Tsushima.
I FINALLY got a new video card where I can play CP2077 on FULL BLAST Ultra with ray tracing…. and HOLY COW, it is an AMAAAAZING looking game. This is the way it's SUPPOSED to be experienced.
Couldn't pay me to play Cyberpunk 2077 tbh and if you bought game after reviews showed how broken it was you're an enemy to gaming as a whole and should be ashamed of yourself honestly.
modders are doing 100 times more work (and better) for free than an entire paid team of devs from the game…so pathetic.
The only issue with the bullet sponges at higher levels, is people who aren't straight up going down pure Crit Chance/Damage.
I just want to say thank you for keeping us posted with Cyberpunk Updates. I feel like as the hype/hate for it died down so did most of the reporting on its progress (or lack thereof), but you’ve kept up the updates on it and it’s been great honestly. I own the game (bought when it came out) but I haven’t gone back to it yet, and videos like these are what may eventually get me back into it.
I’m one of those players.. I’ve gotten back into it. ( even thou I was forced to start a new game, as new big patches kinda break your saves.) but it has been pretty stable playing.. even on an RX580
still falling through map
This may seem like a question with an obvious answer, but why can’t developers work with modders to fix the game and add new features?
Weapons/mods that do damage to or penetrate enemy armor: Enemies actually have no armor stat
Clothing/mods that reduce poison and electric attacks/status: No enemy deals poison or electric damage
still cant believe its been over a year since this released and we sTIlL havent gotten a DLC that fixed those god damned endings.
not a single one of them had any form of closure, if they bring out DLC and its set before the endings or a side story then i really just dont get what CDPR is going for
the story had so much potential and the endings all just feel like big cliffhangers, parts of the movie where you get a black screen with a "3 years later" and we unwrap everything that happened. CP2077 ends, abruptly, cruelly and just when you feel likes its about to become something amazing.
i hope to see this game be what it shouldve been but it looks like that could be nearly 4 years from now and thats insane to think about when you consider how much time they gave themselves..
i played this game and it feels like it should be multiplayer i swear it do. the character customization the npc's the gameplay and the size