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In this Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay video we are trying to figure out how to coexist with Johnny Silverhand showing up all the time, we receive a call from Takemura and we go onto the funniest sidequest in Cyberpunk so far.
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Edited by: Gorthax –
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Random info. Right before Takemura leaves and Johnny shows up there is an ad playing on the TV about a courier service and "First 80gb free". This is a nod toward the story/movie Johnny Mnemonic where the main character has an 80gb hard drive in his brain he uses to smuggle programs and information. In the movie the character of Johnny Mnemonic was played by Keanu Reeves.
When I initially played this game on release for the toms diner scene Takemura literally sank through the floor slowly during the conversation. Then someone else just walking by walked down through ghetto floor slowly like there were invisible stairs. It was hilarious.
So few people get the Tom's Diner reference.
Before someone comes of 18, we need to get them to play cyberpunk and watch avatar:legend of aang.
There, rites for Hivemind written in stone
Can't wait to see you play the expansion, this shit is INSANE, makes the rest of the game (witch I really like) feels like finger painting next to The Sixtine Chapel's ceiling.
Esfan get the iguana egg if u haven't gotten it u have to do it on the heist quest but theres a glitch to go back and still get it
I think it's the flaming penis dude, I'll watch and see if I'm right
Isn't that the OG Mr. Hands? Shouldn't he sound different with the DLC installed? Did Esfand forget to activate it or sth?
Esfand is such a fun person to watch, and do Playthru’s, I just love the antics and jokes that he throws our way. 10/10
Can’t wait for him to get to so many different quests. This game has blown way the fuck back up. The DLC is bangin too.
Can I judge this guy from this playthrough alone? Dude has zero emotional intelligence. Like a kid wanting to break everything he sees just because it's fun. I'm gonna get a lot of hate from this but that's what you're showing in your video.
whats the song in the background during the intro?
The last comment Esfand made reflects the core value of Night City
Install berserk to do superhero landing
The thing I hate about Twitch streamers is that they have to continually jump on to the next trending thing. It's sad knowing I will not get anymore BG3 videos anytime soon because of Cyberpunk's re-popularity. His BG3 vids were golden.
Had the same thought, it’s interesting coincidence that BG3 has the mind flayer that slowly takes over your Brain and in CP the relic slowly takes over your brain too.
If you haven't already, watch the anime Edgerunners. Think of it like a prequel to the game.
35:06 Who put that there?
Your content has been killing it recently. I've been watching since 2020, and you've really tapped into consistent great content over the past year. 👍
Anyway know if the vods of this play through will be uploaded to youtube?
I love that people finally giving this game a try, played it on release and loved it massively, the expansion is also very good (depending on your choices of course 😅)
Soooo bad. How
Is he not playing the 2.0 patch? Mr Hands still has his old voice actor and there's no vehicle combat as far as I can see (haven't finished the video)
Wish I could catch you live playing it, do you have any schedual or everything is random?
OH MY GOD STOP MOVING! It's so hard to watch. Just leave the camera alone during dialogue scenes.
you can just hear the youtuber accent in your titles
I have played Cyberpunk since it came out on PC and it’s been my favorite game since after RDR2. I just love the universe and the atmosphere. It’s been really cool to see some of my favorite creators experience it for the first time after the 2.0 update. Hope you keep enjoying it Esfand!
Dude ur play throughs have me playing only these games 😂 besides the new mortal Kombat I’ve only been playing bg3 and cyberpunk keep it up esfand your super entertaining
Cyberpunk's cool and all but when are you finishing BG3?
So you're not going to finish BG3?
I did the depressed Delamain last night and was laughing the whole time lol
when are you uploading more bg3?
Thank you for continue playing this game when asmon just fucking around with garbage like new word. Doubt he would even return to it as he did with ff14 and countless other games like remnant and code vein. Your dedication to exploration already out did him in many regard. The sheer amount of stubbiness and missed shits (item and story) has been aggravating to watch. You are my new favorite streamer now chika