The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman | Let's Play Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Blind Part 15

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In Part 15 of this gameplay/walkthrough of Phantom Liberty, V hunts down Leon Rinder, murderer of eight.
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► Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Official website:
Developer: CD Projekt RED
Publisher: CD Projekt RED
Epic Games:

► Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Story Synopsis

Phantom Liberty is a spy-thriller expansion for the open-world action-adventure RPG Cyberpunk 2077. As cyber-enhanced mercenary V, join secret agent Solomon Reed to unravel a web of shattered loyalties and sinister political machinations.

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12 thoughts on “The Man Who Killed Jason Foreman | Let's Play Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Blind Part 15”

  1. I agree with Johnny, this guy had many chances to walk away before this, and only eight years after he starts feeling just a bit sorry. Nah.
    A happy ending? For folks like him? Wrong city. Wrong people.

  2. Yeah, no. No pity or mercy. Just zero the gonk. Honestly not even sure he was being honest about anything. Easy to say you black out, doesn't mean you actually do. The way he acted when he wasn't being shocked just made me feel like he was lying. Might've been you'd get a sting in the tail if you sent him to Regina. "V, you got played. This man doesn't have cyberpsychosis, he's just a killer who used me to escape."

  3. FYI we've seen Rinder briefly when we were reliving Paco's story about his first day as a Barghest – he's got a line or two of dialog when Paco's fighting Hansen.
    It's kind of ironic that Welonz used Cyberpsychosis moments before dealing with a guy who was probably suffering from cyberpsychosis. Oh and the quickhack worked as intended – the target started attacking other Scavs. They only commit suicide if there is no one nearby to attack.
    Really enjoyed this quest, it had this heavy, uneasy atmosphere. In the end I made the same choice as Welonz, though I did not hesitate as much – it seemed like the best option, the guy was dangerous and he refused to accept any responsibility.

  4. Rinder wasn't a tough decision for me at all. He may have been a victim of cyberpsychosis and didn't do everything with full awareness but he ignorantly chose this life and kept going at it. Gotta pay the price for your mistakes.

    He didn't seem to have understood or cared for the emotional and immoral significance of his murderous acts when confronted. He just blamed the blackouts and Hansen—showing no remorse or any sincere motivation to better himself, atone or make amends. Not to mention he literally said he didn't care for "those savages at the Stacks", "fuck em". Jason and innocent bystanders alike. Stripping his own implants, getting therapy, starting anew felt like actions without substance, merely done out of convenience and to escape culpability.

  5. Yea, I spared him and took his stash mainly because he already sold his chrome and I think he's about to die anyway. Also, I just really wanted the stash. Don't have a guilty conscious because i got the loot.

  6. Those scavs rolling on the ground or sitting down (who are not patients), while ignoring you, are in the middle of watching BD's, which is why they are completely unaware of their environment.
    Also I want to say that Laika is an excellent choice for a handgun.


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