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The Fallout LARPers in Cyberpunk 2077
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#fallout #cyberpunk2077 #tksmantis
I've got 400 hours in CP2077 and I never saw that, as there is a fallout reference in wolfenstein the new order
Oh hey this'll do
I have played cyberpunk for awhile and honestly I never knew that existed. Thank you T.K. very cool! Also please do more Cyberpunk Videos!
Damn, I've got almost 1000 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 and this is the first time I've ever seen this easter egg.
Wow, do more Cyberpunk 2077
One thing that i really loved about Cyberpunk 2077 was running around the map searching for easter egg
If you are doing videos for Cyberpunk 2077 or know someone who does, there is an Easter egg from Death Stranding in the police station with River. Inside there is Bb-28 a.k.a. Louise
Thanks for your Content Mantis, you’re the reason I started another New Vegas play through.
fun fact: the reason why interplay had to pull out of the GURPS system and use their own SPECIAL system instead was due to the scene in the fallout 1 intro, where that soldier in t-51b power armor executes a canadian solder. interplay refused to remove the scene so they had to pull out of the GURPS system and develop their own
I know you focuse on Fallout alot, but I enjoyed the little 2077 treats, should do more
Never played Cyberpunk, looks boring TBH! But it's nice to see references such as these.
There is also a cool Fallout easter egg in Rage.
I haven’t been able to revisit Cyber Punk since I returned my shifty copy of it. Lol…Has it gotten any better?
I was so surprised when I saw this back in 2020. Super cool!
You know 2 fallout larpers actually did this and killed themselves in Mount Rainier also
Boy and his Dog is such a hidden gem not enough people know about. Low budget, yes, but way ahead of its time.
Hey man quick question what's up with all of your content lately I just scroll through a bunch of videos and they all are one minute or a couple of minutes long what happened to the long form content I used to watch on your channel?
Also, Doom has Stimpacks
Fun fact: The Point Lookout DLC references the Union POW camp that held thousands of Confederate POWs, many of whom died in the camp. The POW Camp is also referenced in the song “I’m a Good Ol’ Rebel.”
Also, there is a monument at Point Lookout dedicated to John Smith’s landing at the site, though the date on it is off by four years. Some have theorized that this is a part of the timeline divergence for the Fallout Universe goes back further than previously thought.
Considering the release of 2077 they took way more than ideas from bethesdas fallout tenure.
WITHOUT the wild wasteland trait, during beyond the beef questline. The dead investigator you find in the hotel room is named "Jay Barnes" is a reference to another actor named "Jay Karnes" who also portray investigators in TV shows. His most prominent role was Detective Dutch Wagenbach from the TV series "The Shield"
In Wolfenstein 2 there is a giant vault door with the numbers 101 on it
There was a crossover between death stranding and cp2077 on both sides
bruh are we EVER gonna get a proper video from this channel again?
so are you going to cover the Mystery Bacon in the back rooms of the bradburton amphitheater in nuka world? i believe it is either extremely limited in supply, or even completely unique