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Bugs, bugs & more bugs. CDPR had a rough launch of Cyberpunk – facing mega backlash and even being pulled from the PlayStation store. So what’s the deal now? It’s back on the store, but there’s a warning from Sony to users…
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00:00 Intro
00:31 The Story – Are CDPR Overconfident?
04:22 The Analysis – Was it Time to Move On?
Good news everyone…what CDPR said means they will start adding features that are missing. XD
BAD news everyone….CDPR said can be seen as "Our work is done here…lets move on next project." <.<
Also, in Cyberpunks case, I can't imagine a syntax error would negate wall latch, actual branching paths and outcomes outside of the quests with Jackie, and completely out of order and disjointed activity list and storyline cadence.
Sorry lads ,your content is sounding far too scripted for me “takes away the humour “ .probably me as I prefer on the fly like angry joe.
Smh I had such hopes for Cyberpunk…
Ban me if you must but:
FUCK Adam Kacinski and his superiors of CD Project Red. I know how gratifying it is to say positive things in the moment but they only lead to a deeper hole in the near future. What a sad outcome for some revolutionary indie devs…
You guys used a lot of words to say that you can't build on sand.
Played 85 hours when it came out. 4k w/DLSS on a 2080. Only bug I saw was sometimes not being able to pick up objects. Shrug. Wasn't the best game I've ever played but what do you expect with the absurd level of hype?
The only way I can see CDPR ever redeeming themselves to to kick out the executives that ruined Cyberpunk. But we know that’ll never happen.
90 hour work weeks? What fucking 3rd world country is this? Oh ya. Poland.
Meh, just listen to yourself. "A lot of players complaining" – let's just pretend that people how like this game are minority or not exists. I wonder why Bullular begin to sound more and like Sun reporter, except when it related related to WoW.
And Matt, my dude, why do you play or talk "shity game"?
If I'm going to be fair, at this point I've settled that my purchase was a bad one and doesn't care about it anymore
Another one for the playlist.
Exactly I played it though. It is done . The cancelation of multiplayer was the end of me even considering playing it again in the future.
Patient gamers always win. We get a complete GOTY version with all DLC's, seasonal content and bug fixes at 70% discount of the original release. And don't have to deal with all the frustrations and other bullshit that day 1 idiots have to go through 😛
Seriously. I have no sympathy with gamers that still buy games close to release. Those people just never learn and have no self respect.
CDPR will probably do what other AAA developers have done a cyberpunk 2.0 they have proven money was there main drive not the fans as the stated over and over.
Get sponsored by Keeps. I have a friend that needs to see if it actually works.
Good lord the game is fine. I played through in release and maybe had one bug. It isn't an amazing game but can we just let this die?
Truth to be told, I got my enjoyment out of it.
72h one character. Loved it. Now it's boring.
Boring as shit
Cyberpunk will never be the game we were promised. For one thing there is only 3 missions that are as narratively expansive and choice driven as what they had showed us, and that's because those where the three missions they chose to show us. CDPR is thinking "its not our fault you assumed the rest of the missions would be as well done as the ones we showed you". But thats exactly what we expected and its not like they will be able to patch the entire game to have better missions. And then theres all the stuff that was cut like hacking people with the laser whip thing, hacking boxing droids, invisible camo, wall climbing mantis blades and more than likely a giant chunk of the prologue with Jacky that we only see in a montage, etc, etc…
Bellular News – This new format's been bugging me for a little bit, and I think I figured out why. I think it's trying to be both a news show and a commentary podcast, and I don't think it's working well. I know when I watch the show, I'm expecting that you're going to "give me the news" without much editorializing. Yeah, the old format has some editorializing, but it wasn't as jarring as when Michael goes over to Matt to start talking about this. I think if you went back to the old format and then added a twice weekly commentary show (maybe half hour to hour long) with both hosts going through a list of topics and picking them a part might work better. Then we get "game industry news" and "commentary on issues and events in the game industry" in shows structured specifically for each format.
And I wouldn't mind seeing the news segment being switched between hosts. My one suggestion to that is maybe have Matt practice speaking or reading pieces in a professional news announcer's voice. I find his cadence of a heavy pause after every one to two statements a bit jarring. The pause signals in my mind that Matt's said what he's going to say and I'm expecting Michael to reply, but that expectation is interrupted when Matt starts talking again. It has a feeling of being on a city bus in heavy traffic with a lot of stops and starts. But it's something that can be fixed with practice.
The inverse of colonial marines = everything is fucked, but balanced very precariously as to everything not falling down, systems leaning on other systems etc. Meaning any change could crumble everything
I’m waiting for v2.0.
Liking this new format! 😀
I think we might be looking at the next Anthem. Where the game might be too broken to be worth fixing. I can totally see that here in a few months, CDPR will throw in the towel and focus on new projects.
It s very simple, all bugs aside, the gameplay is relatively boring the world is barebones at best, the story is decent but nothing else in this game is above the mediocre run-of-the-mill games. There are no real story choices the lifepath does not matter or impact absolutely nothing. I have finished the game on Ps5, it s an empty fps game with no real RPG elements or immersion of any kind. They got away with static Npc`s in the witcher but they cannot and do not have the experience needed to make an open-world game similar in mechanics to RDR2/GTA/Or any watchdogs games. At the end of the day, CDPR does not deserve credit for story stuff as nothing they have produced is their creation they just took other peoples creation, Books and Boardgame and put in a game.
Love the new format, guys. Keep it up! 😀
Yyyyyyup! I didn't even get 4 hours in before I uninstalled it on my PC. Even outside of the bugs, it just didn't captivate me as much as I had hoped it would.
Oh the drama. The game runs just fine if you aren't playing on an outdated system. Try stadia, it runs like a dream.
I really wanted to play this game. But with all the issues,I said to myself I wait til they fixed the game and hoped for ala Witcher enhanced edition kinda of fix etc.
Seems that has not happened. So probably gonna skip this one entirely.
Sad for those that bought the game and still see a broken game after all this time.
Same for me, Im waiting for the final version of cyberpunk
I really dislike this format I’ll be honest.
I had a good time with Cyberpunk and if there was new dlc and stuff I’d be happy to play but yeah they fucked this one up.
it was a typo "Tether" was misspelled as "Teather" in their AI logic code.
They basically just finished making their alpha version, now they have a f–kton of work to make it "good".