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#cyberpunk2077build #bestcyberpunkbuild #cyberpunk2077techbuild
An in-depth look at the Tech-Tank build for Cyberpunk 2077, including all necessary perks, equipment, and explanations.
1:15 – Intro
Build Guide
1:43 – Attribute Requirements
Required Perks
2:12 – Body Perks
2:35 – Technical Perks
3:28 – Required Cyberware
3:57 – Feedback Circuit Explanation
6:32 – Required Equipment
9:02 – Finishing Touches
Leveling Guide
11:55 – Leveling Guide
12:57 – Leveling Athletics Skill
14:07 – Leveling Crafting Skill
15:51 – Outro
Level 23 Version of the Build:
[FREE] Darksynth / EBM / Industrial Type Beat ‘MONOLITH’ | Background Music – YouTube
[FREE] Darksynth / EBM / Industrial Type Beat ‘SODOMA’ | Background Music – YouTube
Thank you for making these cool builds and I love the leveling guides.
I wonder if this will still work in 1.5, I hope so
The build has been nerfed a bit as of patch 1.5. The damage and tankiness are still great, but the healing does not work as it used to – now only healing the 10% stated by the cyberware. Luckily the build still has a great amount of regeneration perks so it still doesn't slow down much, but it's still disappointing it can't live up to its former glory.
This is the build I’m going for, thanks for the video, extremely detailed, your channel is underrated
Wonder if a similar build could be done with a katana? Deathbolt + heal on kill cyberwear + bloodlust + unbroken spirit + Miltech Berserk (Maybe the berserk is a stretch, but I really want to use it for a build).
Looks like an awesome build even with the patch changes i think im gonna try it out. Or did you find a suitible solution for the changes in the patch? Keep up the good work💪🏻
It really is a pity I can only like you're videos once man. Great shit. Amazing work done on these
Wait what do you mean pick up invincible while leveling tech I can't grab it until level 12 in body