Steam Deck | CYBERPUNK 2077 Tested – How Does It PERFORM?

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Steam Deck | CYBERPUNK 2077 Tested – How Does It PERFORM?
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6 thoughts on “Steam Deck | CYBERPUNK 2077 Tested – How Does It PERFORM?”

  1. For those who are considering 3hours being the optimal battery life for AAA titles these are the settings to go for:
    TDP Limit: 8W
    FPS limit: 30fps (or 28fps with 56Hz to completely remove drops)
    Crowd Density: Low (or medium, but it will hammer the CPU hard)
    Graphics preset: Low, on the tiny screen, low looks really good but you need to bump the following settings:
    – Lens Flare: On (it's an artistic choice, doesn't require much performance)
    – Motion Blur: Low (helps out with perceived smoothness of motion)
    – Anisotropy: 4 (greatly increases texture fidelity at oblique angles)
    – Cascaded Shadow resolution: Medium (Makes a big difference to semi-near shadow quality)
    – Ambient Occlusion: Medium (makes all objects look grounded in the world and not floaty like they do on the low preset)
    – Screen Space Reflections: Low (Instead of "off" this allows detailed reflections in shiny surfaces, and all materials receives their intended reflective properties instead of looking flat)
    – FSR: Ultra Quality (to hit the framerate target, choose 'Quality' if you want a massive performance overhead reducing all framedrops except streaming stutters)


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