Starfield – Oh No…This is NOT The News I Wanted To Hear! Bethesda Avoiding Cyberpunk 2077 Fiasco?

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Starfield just got some upsetting news. We’re going to talk about how Bethesda and Microsoft Xbox are handling the situation, plus reactions from Jason Schreier and Phil Spencer. And a promise for a gameplay reveal for Starfield!

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45 thoughts on “Starfield – Oh No…This is NOT The News I Wanted To Hear! Bethesda Avoiding Cyberpunk 2077 Fiasco?”

  1. Xbox's issue: it is perceived as Pepsi and Sony's seen as Coca-Cola. A game which Sony holds most of the cards in the deck. The PS5 is perceived as the default choice for consumers wanting to blow 500 bucks. So Xbox (not a bad system, mind you) is perceived as a challenger rather than the default, kind of like Pepsi is to Coke. Making Starfield an exclusive will give MS a pocket ace. And if Cyberpunk2077 has taught the world anything: Delays. Are. Good.

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  2. Honestly I couldn’t care less about Starfield. It’s Bethesda… lies and bugs, that’s what I associate them with. I’ll wait for reviews before getting excited for games, lesson learned after being lied to by so many studios in the past.

  3. While is def sucks – its obviously for the best… Cyberpunk should never have released before the 1.5/Next gen update and the last gen versions should have been cancelled outright… Hopefully this delay means Starfield will be solid, it kinda needs to be.. After waiting this long and the disapointment that was F76 and the fact ES6 and F5 are still years away, Starfield needs to knock it out of the park and bring Bethesda back to the Skyrim glory days.. Also now with 3 major IP's and each game taking 4-5 years Bethesda needs to think about letting other studios work on 'Spin Off' titles ala 'Fallout NV2' from maybe Obsidian or InExile and maybe even another Elder Scrolls Adventure (Redguard/Battlespire) again from Obsidian or InExile just so the time between say ES6 and ES7 is not like 12-15 years lol…

  4. Don't forget, it's still the Creation Engine they're using, albeit an updated and tweaked version, to what extent? I have no idea, but remember every building and area in Fallout and Skyrim accessed via load doors, I don't expect much to change in that regard. Also remember what the flying was like in the Fallout 4 Vertibirds? It was slow, the draw distances were poor, the pop in shocking. I doubt we'll be zipping around in our ships in real time. While there will be improvements to gameplay and performance over Fallout 4, because of their updated engine, I doubt it'll be anything ground breaking.

  5. Did ppl really think that it was comin 11/11/22 ? Hasn,t anyone learned anything from their past ? Got bad news for you all. It will get delayed again next year.

  6. I thought they were announcing next Gen only, like Gotham Knights ( which could happen with the delay). I'll miss Redfall more, I love online co-op, and I'm itching for something new.
    Heads up. I just ordered a Series X direct from Microsoft, so checkout some spots if you're still trying to get one.

  7. I was watching Dr Disrespect play warzone and he was talking to Zlaner about broken buggy game that was overhyped before launch which did not deliver. The 1st thing Zlaner said was oh yeah like cyberpunk lol. No developer or publisher wants that stigma on their reputation.

  8. So the rumors ok about the shooting just being “fine” and the space flight being “concerning” was most likely correct…it’s a good idea imo, BGS can’t afford another “76”

  9. Well I just can't wrap my head around players still hating Cyberpunk. Recently I have managed to grab 3070 and decided to give another run (my fist was with the patch 1.3 on a 1650) and now while playing patch 1.5 it is quite good. Story is mostly on rails and I see how they have experimented with choices to be done in a different than expected way and it failed but still – today Cyberpunk is a really good game.

  10. Right decision! Specially that nothing are present on terms of real gameplay yet so we cant keep our expectations controlled! If this decision was after first gameplay, I say that were be awful.. I think we have so much content like always for a new engine (creation engine 2) and I remember Todd saying that they are still making experiments with that, they are no fully adapted to that and I agree that time is a healer! Im ready and dissapointed for the game delay but now I think is going be AMAZING FOR SURE! CDPR is a small company comparing to Bethesda and more now with MS support, a delay on Bethesda is very good in terms of polish things and so.. And we still getting something for June 12 sooooo, gonna be awesome to see and plus for Bethesda, our feedbacks gonna help them shape better this delay if the reason are the mechanics "not fun" (which I dont believe)

  11. I find it funny that Bethesda of all people called out Cyberpunk 2077 as if every single one of their own games don't release as a dumpster fire or have they already forgotten Fallout 76 and literally every title that has come before a gaming company like Bethesda really shouldn't be throwing shade on the launch quality of a another companies work. Lol

  12. I think alot of people are forgetting that cyberpunk dev changed what they were going for midway thru production when they got keanu . Starfield as far as we know hasnt done that.

  13. Personally, I'm ok with starfield being delayed. As hyped as I am for the game I don't want it to be another 100 hour game that was just something to pass the time till the next big release. I want it to be my next 1000 hour game that I cant put down.

  14. Actually this is exactly what I wanted to hear. Now for the most part I do not like XBOX anything bill Gates has done has been an exploitation of people. But them delaying this so it will be top quality; that shows a positive sign to me and is gaining my interest. And this after PlayStation deception of never having single player campaign require an online connection. As we now know to be a complete lie GT7. Very good move from XBOX.


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