Silverhand IS a FRAUD ( HUGE Plot Twist in Cyberpunk 2077 ) – Johnny Silverhand Lore

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Diving DEEP into the Cyberpunk Sourcebooks ( Cyberpunk Red ) to revisit one of the more spoon-fed plot twists in Cyberpunk 2077; the implications of Johnny’s very “unreliable” memories.

Turns out.. The man was a complete Fraud…
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0:00 – Intro
0:47 – Unreliable Memories
1:27 – Tip of The Ice Berg
2:39 – Sourcebooks ( Cyberpunk Red )
3:27 – The Fraud ( Arasaka Bombing )
4:08 – Johnny had NO Nuke
4:58 – One Sided Relationship ( Fake Smasher Rivalry )
5:52 – **IMPORTANT – WHY Everybody CREDITS Johnny for the Arasaka Tower Raid
6:47 – ALT CUNNINGHAM Flashbacks
9:11 – Biochip’s Integrity
10:01 – TLDR (Attention Span go Brrrrrrr)

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23 thoughts on “Silverhand IS a FRAUD ( HUGE Plot Twist in Cyberpunk 2077 ) – Johnny Silverhand Lore”

  1. Is he a fraud or the patsy. Being that he was in data prison he had no hand in creating the myth. He was a useful rocker boy with some local celebrity. More likely others used his local celebrity and created the myth to cover their own involvement. Its kind of how things work in Night City, people behind the scenes pulling strings. Once thing I learned during the game, take nothing at face value.

  2. Yorinobu Arasaka had the Johnny Silverhand engram edited significantly in order to generate the most over-the-top, hyperbolic version of Johnny Silverhand. He was going to have his father Saburo Arasaka install it in himself believing that it would copy his engram (This engram device was in-house and designed specifically for Saburo, as Helman says) when in actuality it would over-ride Saburo Arasaka with Johnny Silverhand. The ultimate 'fuck you' to his father, to Arasaka Corp, etc.. V just snagged the hyperbolic, netrunner-tweaked Silverhand Engram before the deception could happen.

    And this is why Evelyn can't end herself fast enough, for my tastes. Thanks for fucking me over, Evelyn!

  3. I'm of the opinion that Johnny never intentionally lied to us(V) during the game. Whether they were false memories or altered while in mikoshi (as Johnny suggests is possible though I don't get how), Johnny really seems to care for V by the end. Also nice usage of HEALTH near the end of the video. Loved that song since Max Payne 3.

  4. Somethings in those memories were the actions of Morgan Blackhand.

    There is a theory, Morgan Blackhand is not only one person. There is an underground black ops project where the legendary merc was cloned.

    One of the shells "clones" is used by Mr blue eyes.

  5. Preem video, choom! My first playthough I hella yelled out at Johnny for pulling her plug. Gonk ass move on Johnny's part. And he's gotta be the biggest Blackhand stan there is. I love all the new Cyberpunk 2077 lore videos out now. Easy sub.

  6. The major part of this is Johnny isn't Silverhand to begin with, Silverhand died when he was soulkilled. What we're dealing with is an AI with a copy of Silverhands memories, that could have been altered by Arasaka, an AI that was damaged when V and Jackie fell through the glass roof.

    So it could be so many different reasons as to why he's lying. Faulty goods or copium.

  7. I don't think Silverhand is a fraud. For one, the Johnny we know in 2077 is an AI that possesses the brain patterns and memories of the original Johnny Silverhand, so it's only making depictions of how he would behave as accurately as it can (kind of like an algorithm of sorts). Two, because the Johnny we know is an AI, everything Johnny says is true (according to him, as Saburo stated that machines cannot lie because they are programmed to do so.

    The truth is that Johnny isn't lying to deceive V, he genuinely believes what he says is true. Despite Johnny being aware that he's an AI, he doesn't take account that his memories might have also been fabricated and not entirely accurate

  8. I agree with most, but if smasher and johnny weren’t rivals, why would smasher have most of his highly valued items? Clearly he did know of Johnny and went to the lengths of keeping memorabilia of him. I think that yes, Johnny over embellished the gravity of their “rivalry” and he just needed a scapegoat for his own self inflicted grief, but smasher did at least know of Johnny.

  9. I have played this game through several times, made every choice and played every branch including pl. It was fun, but very broken and it felt lobotomized. Sure, parts of the game are fun and even memorable, but none of the writing makes sense at all. It's clear the scripts were hacked apart, fragmented, poorly rewritten and then stitched back together quite a few times, and this really hurt the immersion and story dramatically.

  10. He talks about them messing with your mind at mikoshi, maybe it's possible arasaka themselves caused these deviations in memory. I've also had a theroy for a while that morgen blackhand died in the bombing and arasaka recovered his body and combined his mind with johhny, johhny being a big personality , he took over but that would explain why we see him fighting adam smasher when we know johhny was cut down by Adam very quickly, I don't know much about the lord so it might go deeper then that but I dunno

  11. Politely disagree. You missed out one key detail: the only reason why Johnny Silverhand was killed by Adam Smasher was because he was distracting Smasher to save his crew. In other words, Silverhand sacrificed himself for the mission. Narcissists are cowards hence they think they're too important so they won't sacrifice themselves. Moreover, Johnny wasn't aware that he killed Alt which is why he felt guilty. Narcissists never feel guilty. Silverhand's team in the Arasaka HQ raid were supposed to retrieve Alt, not nuke the place.

    Johnny's memories were altered because it makes him look like a guilty culprit. The engram in 2077 isn't the real Johnny Silverhand because his original engram and body was retrieved by Angel(believed to be Alt Cunningham). Like Johnny in 2077 says when v first meets him, he's a copy.

    Johnny Silverhand is a complex character: he's the kind of guy who acts like a jerk on the outside but once you get to truly understand him, you know he truly cares about the ones close to him.

  12. When you rescue Evelyn Parker Judy tells you to not just rip out her jack. Also, if you end So-Mi, you do it by yanking out her jack. It was obvious Johnny killed Alt because he was stupid and didn't know what he was doing. Also his entire conciet during that mission is that Araska only took Alt to provoke him, Johnny the great. The character is a died in the wool narcissist. In every story he is the center of attantion, he is the hero, he is the target and he never does anything wrong.

  13. This is a nice video, but I think you overlook some details from the books.
    In the events that led to Alt being stuck in the net, it wasn’t Johnny who disconnected Alt, but Toshiro when he threw himself on the ground, after the room he and Alt were in got shaken by explosive charges detonated by Rogue, while she and Johnny were on their way to save Alt.

    It would make sense to me that Johnny remembering disconnecting her body was part of his memory getting distorted from replaying it over and over for 50 years while being in Mikoshi. Which leads me to the fact that contrary to what you say in the video, Alt didn’t “outright contradict Johnny”. She said that his memories aren’t reliable, because of his time spent into Mikoshi, thinking about the past.

    Also, his reason for joining the Militech crew in the books was to recover Alt’s consciousness from Arasaka, which they managed to do, but Johnny ended up getting killed in the process, split in two by Smasher’s shotgun. This is likely when Spider Murphy slotted Soulkiller in him, in a bid to hopefully save his engram and bring him back someday.

    Mike Pondsmith said that both the books and 2077 are canonical, and that they agreed Johnny was an unreliable narrator at best, partially because of his personality, but also because of the damage his body received from the shotgun and from the radiations.

    My guess is also that with the story where his body is recovered by someone looking exactly like Alt (I think it’s Alt who managed to find a way to copy herself into a body ), its my speculation that she created the Johnny engram, but probably had Arasaka on her tail and left them with an engram that had altered memories to protect everyone, which could add to Johnny’s inaccuracies, as there’s no worse interrogation subject than someone who genuinely doesn’t know what you are trying to learn.

    Johnny definitely overplays his rivalry with Smasher (could be those spliced memories that I think are Alt’s or his damages’ doing tho) and his importance in a bunch of situations, but he’s far from a full on fraud.
    Also, he does say that any merc would love to smack down Smasher once and for all, and being beaten by him at the time of the tower attack is what I think could be what he means by having a score to settle with him, not necessarily that they are each other’s nemesis.

  14. This, to me, just adds a whole different layer of sadness to Johnny's character. Like, "omg this poor dude" vibes. You're basically pointing out a guy who idolized Blackhand, making up his own moniker of "Silverhand" in tribute, building the Samurai band so he had some outlet for his frustrations at the world. Blackhand probably noticed Johnny at one of their concerts and chatted him up, having no real idea the depth of Johnny's fanboyism at the time, but slowly came to recognize it, and used it to weaponize him and turn Johnny into the scapegoat. Rogue was probably in on it the whole time. So, now Johnny is not only feeling the frustrations he already has with the Corpos and Govt, but is actually being used by his "friends" to take the fall for their misdeeds. And Johnny, with his already present mental issues, doesn't consciously recognize that fact. So he ends up accidentally killing Alt due to his haste in trying to save her, not really understanding what he's doing in the moment, eventually gets captured, put through Soul_Killer, and the engram spends the next 50-some years basically in Hell, replaying and distorting everything, twisting into this sort of anti-idealized fantasy life that V ends up encountering.

    It's freakin heartbreaking.

  15. Interesting. But there's one thing to I'm confused about: In the "Don't Fear (The Reaper)" ending, V literally goes through the front door of Arasaka Tower to get to Mikoshi alone. Granted, even with the alterations to Johnny's memory, it is literally easy to walk into the lobby with a whatever weapons they decide, going in completely solo and get deep into the building. If Arasaka Tower is as impossible to get into, then how does "Don't Fear (The Reaper)"'s ending make any sense if Arasaka was impossible to get into? Is V's memories also a lie?

  16. Wait, people only just now realise that all the "memories" we see is just "*JOHNNY SILVERHAND* _according to Johnny Silverhand_" and in no way shape or form the actual reality? Man was a narcisistic douchebag with delusions of grandeur who was never the main character but always the guy tagging along the really great ones, be they Alt Cunningham in regards to Arasaka, Rogue Amendiares in regards to soloing or Kerry Eurodyne in regards to music. Death and V made him a better man eventually.


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