SAINTS ROW 2022 Devs Try To Pull a Cyberpunk 2077…

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Saints Row devs want you to give the game a second chance but no apology for how they disrespected fans. They just don’t get it.
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26 thoughts on “SAINTS ROW 2022 Devs Try To Pull a Cyberpunk 2077…”

  1. Saints Row wouldn't fit in with what mainstream deals acceptable now. Saints Row would mock critics, mock woke culture and be a giant middle finger to the current establishment. Only problem is the creators have no balls, no sense of self awareness, no common sense heck they showed it proudly where they stand in how they posted group photos in the credits!

  2. If they wanted to make up with the real fans. Then they should've kept their promise about them going back to their routes, actually take criticism like champs and do shit about it, listen to them by making a saints row 1 and 2 remaster/remake collection UNCENSORED and for the love of fucking Christ they should STOP listening to Anita Sarkeezian and the rest of these snowflakes how are never fans or gamers themselves who are offended over everything!

    It is their fucking fault for being so stubborn and hostile towards the fans who truely enjoy their games.

  3. They could offer to pay me $70 to play this steam pile of shit and I'd still say no. This isn't Saints Row and the dev studio and publishing house are run by morons. If they were ever to apologize and try again with a real Saints Row that has the spirit of the first two games, I could get look past what happened here but we know they won't do that.

  4. There is only 1 way to save the Saints Row franchise. Fix the PC port, and after that give Saints Row 1 a proper remake with expanded and enhanced gameplay, customization and story. Similar to the Resident Evil games. The current and new devs should take notes…. but they won't.

  5. This new DLC update is not going to change the characters or the story. But I would be happy if they can make the gameplay better and hopefully the new campaign missions fun.

  6. the only way you could revive this ip is leave the reboot alone and then go and then reboot saints row again and this time make it close to the first three og games. As for the reboot it needs to be treated like forspoken and belong in landfills

  7. A year after it's release, the scum known as Volition wants people to give this trash reboot another chance, after acting like clowns leading to the game's release.

    No matter how many overhauls or dlc, this is will not be Saints Row and was made by people who hate the original Saints Row series, they just want this reboot to make enough profit, this is not for fans of Saints Row and I hope people don't take the bait.


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