Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
Cyberpunk 2077 has been rife with controversy since it launched in December of 2020. 9 months later the updates have been mostly to address bug fixes, and we still don’t have a next-gen version of the game. After months of promises, very few deliveries have been made. All that said, Paul and Destin take a look back in this Cyberpunk 2077 review of what worked, what didn’t, and how they still managed to find a lot of joy from the gameplay, world, and storytelling within.
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I respect that you guys like the game, but for me the launch was a total betrayal from a developer I trusted to a fault. Even after these updates I am still not satisfied with what was suppose to be "breath taking". I can only hope that they can make a "No Man's Sky" comeback.
"A delayed game will eventually be good, but a rushed game will forever be bad."
I had a good time at first on XSX. The world is beautiful and vibrant. I loved the way my character looked and combat was solid IMO… but that's where my niceties end. The more time I spent in the world the more heart breaking cracks I noticed. I made it up to the elevator and quit cold turkey.
I really wanted to role play as a nomad and this game is very light on flexibility of how u play the game because life paths r meaningless. I didn't want to help lawman but that's the only way to play those side missions. I wanted to get cozy with one of the gangs but u really can't, even as a street kid.
EVERY aspect of Pacifica is half baked and unfinished 😑. They just there to be bad guys😞.
Trauma Team is just a set piece. We can't even use them after u get the big bucks and could afford them. There's no feeling of elevation from poverty because u can't spend money on meaningful things like new pads and vehicle customization.
I don't think I will come back to this game with the DLC. I just don't think they will EVER make this game a true RPG experience. That DLC would have to come with substantial, fundamental changes to the game that I just don't think CDPR will do that and if they do we won't see that for at least 2 or more years. I think by than other companies will deliver a much better cyberpunk RPG experience. ✌🏿.
You absolutely can enjoy Cyberpunk 2077. I played through the story once and I had a great time. I couldn't put it down. Is it the groundbreaking game that people tought it would be? No. Is it still a good game. Totally. I'm very excited to jump back in once we get the next gen upgrade on console and some dlcs.
Saying CP2077 "has flaws", is like saying FO76 had a "bumpy" launch 🙂
These comments are so depressing. If you want to know why gaming is in the state it is in – you are to blame – you will accept mediocrity and being lied to, to a ridiculous degree, and just damage control it and spit in the faces of anyone who complains ("her der they are just haterz!").
Cyberpunk is a 1st person action RPG, and I feel as if A LOT of people including some game journalists/bloggers fail to realize this, this game was NEVER meant to be GTA, it's nothing like GTA at all.
I won't touch the game again until that next-gen upgrade rolls around
I love it, albeit I did play on series x so didn’t have most of the issues, my only disappointment was how short the mainline was, I was never so anxious about playing the main quests as I was in Cyberpunk once the reviews came out and said how short it was, terrified it would end too soon …. Also I don’t know Paul but agree with everything his says, wasn’t a fan of Johnny and couldn’t relate to anything in GTA …
Paul is right they gotta stack the expation with the next gen launch. ive done everything in the game got all the achievements. even if it launched in a perfect state for current gen id prolly not put the disc back in my series x. they gotta give me something new to bring me back.
I liked the game, I played it on PS5 but it crashed way too much. I just rushed through the main story and then got a refund. I'll replay it in like 5 years once the complete edition comes out on next gen.
Drive around the dead downtown at night on ps4
Loved playing the game just wish we had more in the game waiting for the DLC and the next gen update
I will probably get hate for this, but I have a powerful PC, and got pretty far in the game. I decided to wait for more bug fixes so my character doesn't fall through the floor, LOL. I tried it again a month ago, but I wasn't interested anymore and stopped.
That's the problem with releasing buggy games. People get angry they paid full price for it, then they lose interest when they wait for bug fixes.
Who knows, I may try it again another day.
Edit: For those wondering why I would buy the game day one despite the bugs… I saw the glowing reviews and trusted them. Then I found out most of these early reviews were lies.
Waiting till police chase, 3rd person, and wall climbing are added.
I’ve had a great experience with it. Obviously lacking content but I love it
“very popular game”
Definition of Popular = Liked, admired, enjoyed by many people or groups
Also please can you add links to Pauls content in the description if that’s ok…
No, you dont get it – CDPR saying 'it ran surprisingly well…' was not a lie – i honestly think they thought it would not run at all lol… Its like Obi Wan 'What i said was true, from a certain point of view…' lol… Also – its not really like GTA5, its more like an open world Deus Ex than anything, so if anything it should be compared to Deus Ex and not GTA, but yeah no police AI is kinda silly lol… But yeah, overall i really enjoyed CP2077, i played on a reasonably high end PC so of course that helped… I totally agree, If only they delayed CP2077 another 12 months and cancelled the last gen console versions and just released on PC and current gen console this December… It would have worked out way better for CDPR…
I like Destin's "Meet the team" picture at the end.
I loved it! I enjoyed the gameplay, and while I did experience bugs, it wasn’t enough to ruin the experience for me. I’m looking forward to see a next-gen (current gen?) patch. For reference, I played this on Xbox Series X.
I think the hardest part is that the Witcher three set the bar for any other game CDPR developes afterwards and this game was just so so so much lower than that as far as fun/immersion/ and content. I loved exploring every aspect of the Witcher where in this I feel like the world is beautiful but not interactive enough to bring me in
I must have started this game at least 4 or 5 times before giving up a few hours in. It’s a game that has a lot of good ideas but even now feels like an early access build. It’s not just about frame rates which still plummet even on series x the moment any action starts happening. There’s just no depth to any of the systems
Whoa whoa!!! What's the beef with GTA? That game was amazing…8 years ago.
I'm holding out hope for a third person view.
Why is he talking about cyberpunk as if he is apart of the cyberpunk team? He keeps using the word "we"
The most disappointing part of the game is that you don’t receive a reward for repaying Viktor
Thats a stupid question. Lol yes you can. I do and so do many others. Theres an entire fanbase for this game that does, if you actually pay attention.🙄
I dont care if its a masterpiece. I'm not going to play it till all of the promises are actually in the game.
I enjoyed it but once the gravity of all the lies cane to fruition it soured my taste of the whole experience. Still I love the concept of the world and I hope one day it will be redeemed.
You can like it, that was never a problem. I would say that the controversy around CP2077 's reviews isn't about liking it or not, but saying that it's great and giving a high score when it clearly it has a lot of faults besides bugs. Yes, a review is an opinion but it must has an argument to stand on it and a framework to analyze it.
Is cyberpunk worth playing on xsx right now or should I wait for next gen version? I hear people saying the next gen version wont be much different because its running at 60fps right now
Looking forward to playing the game when it finally releases on NextGen consoles.
People are whiny. I played it on my series X and loved it. Bugs yes but 80+ hours and I enjoyed it.
I'm not going to award a gaming company for a incomplete product, ill buy the ps5 version when it's 20 or less.
I still enjoyed it and got my money back I'm happy lol
Really loved my 160 hrs on Steam at launch, when the patch releases for Series X/S i'm pretty sure I'm going to play through it again on console. As for GTA, played an hour and a half of GTA III ages ago, never touched GTA again.
The Ascent curedmy cyberpunk cravings
Let me be honest I’d like the game when it was flawed and I do mean flawed.
Destin constantly saying: "I played on PC and I had a great time with it" is super annoying. The problem isn't with PC. It runs like shit EVERYWHERE else. That's the problem. Your experience doesn't matter in this conversation UNLESS your playing on the consoles.
It’s crazy how the series s version runs better than the Ps5 version i just recently tried it after all the patches the Ps5 version is really glitchy as hell still