V calls his friends after 2 years in a coma – Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

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0:00 – Judy Alvarez
2:58 – Kerry Eurodyne
6:39 – River Ward
9:10 – Panam Palmer
10:33 – Viktor Vektor
12:35 – Megabuilding H10 Administrator



24 thoughts on “V calls his friends after 2 years in a coma – Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty”

  1. It's a bloody job I've finished this. I've blocked this channel just out of moral obligation because I block any channel that ruins things in its either thumbnails or titles and yet it keeps cropping up. It's like a shit that won't flush

  2. Jesus this ending pissed me off. I was fine with my original ending, just ride off into the sunset with the people I love and just dying, everybody dies at some point. This shit is just depressing. And these people that act like they cared so much when you offed yourself, they are the main ones who couldn’t give a fuck enough to accept that you were in a coma and couldn’t reply to them. Fuck river I never liked that dude either way, fuckin creep was always trying to press my female v when she wasn’t interested at all.

  3. My honest take? This is CDPR shitting on 2077 before leaving it for good. I very much doubt any future Cyberpunk game will be a continuation of 2077s characters but an entirely new cast and story. Meaning it will only be a numerical sequel like say the Fallout series and not an ACTUAL sequel.

    Well honestly I for one couldnt give a fuck about it now. The ONLY thing that carried this game when it was an international joke were the main cast.

    To see their treatment in these pathetic "cameos" has killed any future interest I might have had in this franchise.

    I cant decide if I liked 2077 more before this expansion or not. To me that means it failed.

  4. What if Panam died and that's why she didn't pick up? Also I would have liked options to call Misty, Takemura and Mama Wells. I like to imagine that Misty moved out of NC and is traveling the world looking for herself. Mama Wells works in a less fortunate center in order to help people stay away from gangs. And maybe Takemura got his job back or even a higher position.

  5. this was my first ending, i know its just a video game but i feel so emptyyy😞. river doesnt wanna see me anymore, V isnt gonna see judy anytime soon, and vic had to give in due to being threatened. and worst of all they massacred my V, she went from taking down adam smasher to being beat up by some regular thugs. This ending is equivalent to my dad punching me in my chest. What makes it worse is that it could’ve been easily prevented if V was present

  6. the most fucked up part of this is that Panam and your nomad buddies. the very ones who called you their brother basicly erk out a EHHH we'll call you. Like This really goes against panams character basicly destroying future romances with her in future playthroughs. she could have looked for me but apparently she gave up after 2 years because she's used to ditching something that seems like a lost cause at the surface level at the drop of a hat. if anything this ending ruins her as a character because now you know she is the type to drop shit and run when she could have been there.

    If anything i have a newfound respect for DEL#21 he stayed with me when everyone else left. OH and Arasaka lied to try to engram me which makes their ending worse. One thing i would have done to change the ending is make the nomads basically corpo slaves to Biotechnica because V wasn't there to whip them into shape and panam caved and left in frusteration and her current wearabouts are unknown and the nomads are just nomads in name only, but they are still willing to see you.

  7. For me this ending hit really hard, I never really realized what I had in life because I was living through it. Things do change but gradually and they may not always be the best but like Johnny said “Sometimes you gotta let go”

  8. This ending feels really odd.

    V can text Vic and and his/her romantic partner before leaving, they know V has found a way to save himself/herself

    The aldecaldos are completely out of character, especially Panam

    Judy, Kerry, River, Misty, Vic I find believeable how they changed, yet it's obvious they went as hard as possible to make V misrable through them.

    And V could really just take the FIA job and leave that godforsaken city.

  9. Man is ending is basically survive but everyone leaves you well excluding Vic and Misty and kerry judy is atleast not mad a Male V she hates female V afterwords if you romanced her I'm glad i saved songbird sadly at the cost of V He/She still dies no matter what only the nomad ending gives V a chance

    Also PS

    Nice to see male V sick of people calling V her instead of just V don't get me wrong female V is great and Cherami Leigh is so damn good but everyone forgets the Male V and Gavin Drea is also really damn good


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