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I review a cutting edge up to date trailer of the game that will change people’s lives forever, Cyberpunk2077
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Credit for Various Channel Art Assets and Animations goes to Jakob from Sweden: @jaakopp
Let me know if you want to a see a Rav X CyberPunk Series when this drops
It got rushed tbh cause of the fanpressure they will fix it like witcher
Cd project gives much love for their games so hype is justified ^^
Who didn't see this coming is just person with low iq or a kid.
You don't have to be psychic to tell that the game is gonna blow before it's release. New products with mass advertisements mostly is a scam.
she built sunfire aegis
Damn dude, use a fullstop from time to time, that monotonous speech is not understandable.
It was over hyoed soo fucking much XD
Game was teased 7 years ago?! Thought I would have remembered that. Although games like this and Fallout is an instant turnoff for me, it's just uninteresting imo.
Dude, TTS is the laziest bullshit ever. No way I'm listening to TTS say 'queef' a million times
I like how everyone says Cyberpunk is overhyped meanwhile no one looks at among us….
Largest blue balls? Rav has not heard of Star Citizen lol
How is this a review?Dislike and report
I don't listen to the opinion of robots. Ya it's so overhyped but I don't need you to tell me that 👎
yeah, cyberpunk 2077 is what a overhyped game looks like
the bullet has a case of monday, holy fucking shit im willing to bet you could commentary over old ladies playing checkers and still make it entertaining given the usual prep time ofcourse
Funny how all the ppl who are mad have consoles lol just get a pc and stop complaining 🤦🏼♂️
Honestly, playing it on the One. Other than, two crashes it is a great narrative game. The prologue is extremely well done.
Bro I'm just playing the Roblox version
why Americans love futuristic / sci-fi so much …
Too many bad jokes, but I agree on the logical part of the video.
Was meh
"Coming when it's ready" Oof that didn't age well
Someone please tell me what's so "Revolutionary" in this game, seriously? it's just a far cry cyberpunk game with RPG mechanics.
Like i'm talking about without the Glitches. It's an 8/10 game at best. Never ever did I see a game get this overhyped.
I think the overhype came more from the 48 min gameplay video than this trailer.
But goddam, what they showed us in the gameplay video was the material for an overhype train.
Its funny.. people been saying stuff at other games before like "When cyberpunk is release this game is going to get fucked". Seen plenty of this exact sentence mutiple times. How satisfying it is! 😂
The main problem for me is, that the game is such a drag to play. I have to force myself to play it. Which is a huge problem to have in any RPG game. Witcher as an example just wouldn't let you close the game. Skyrim does that perfectly too. You can sink hours into those games in a single day and you won't get bored.
And imagine the game has been delayed 3 x and has been in production since atleast 2010 ! . People need to stop hyping stuff out of control
Lol y'all nerds got cyberdouched
I think future games are outdated now i want rockstar to make a stone age game
Cyberpunk became the new Duke Nukem Forever
Anthem, No Man's Sky, Destiny, The Division.
This is was overhyped shit dose. Gets us hyped for failure. No one learns no mans sky all over again.
Thanks for DCing from my game.
Oh I thought it was for the game
The finding her pants might also be a side quest had me laughing so hard
Gta 5 is better than cyberpunk 2077 lol
I’d work on your real voice. This robot thing ruins it. Also as you know, you can hear the cr1tical influence in the writing which I’m seeing adopted by a lot of people these days. Just add changes gradually I guess and you’ll find your perfect niche. You already have a successful channel so keep so yeah keep up the good work.
pov : orianna
I still think the biggest release in the gaming community will be GTA VI. If the game is good and not as bugged and "issued" like Cyberpunk, Rockstar is going to make billions.