Quest Director plays Cyberpunk 2077! #59

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After a short break, we gathered to talk about the very eventful past 2 weeks in the gaming industry and afterward played more of Cyberpunk 2077!

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world RPG that I have co-created. As I love talking about design, storytelling, and psychology in games, I have started streaming on Twitch and discussing it all with my audience.

My goal is to share everything I have learned over a decade in the AAA games industry, openly exchange ideas, explain creative decisions and encourage the next generation of game designers and storytellers to create.

My socials:

Timestamps for your viewing experience:

0:00​​​ – Music starts
04:51 – The stream starts
11:33 – Lucca 2022
15:10 – Former REDs on The Witcher 1
19:52 – Stream during Lucca 2022 with Miles
22:02 – God of War Ragnarok
26:52 – God of War Ragnarok, part 2
28:12 – Thaler in The Witcher 3
29:00 – Remake of The Witcher 1
30:55 – Henry Cavil as Geralt
34:07 – Isometric game by CD Projekt RED
35:57 – Work in the studio nowadays
39:37 – Death Stranding
47:35 – Remote job offers
50:00 – Book and podcast by Hideo Kojima
54:40 – The Witcher 1 remake on The Witcher 3
59:00 – Game development in 2013
1:03:00 – Finishing Breath of the Wild
1:05:00 – The team on Cyberpunk 2077
1:07:00 – The Witcher 1 love
1:08:40 – Worlds 2022
1:13:07 – Prey (2017)
1:16:15 – Resurgence of Cyberpunk 2077
1:19:15 – Designing new IP
1:21:50 – George R. R. Martin on Elden Ring
1:25:55 – Altered Carbon game
1:27:05 – Modding inspiring development
1:31:50 – Laying the foundation for the new games
1:35:25 – Diverse dev teams
1:43:35 – My favorite Nomad characters
1:45:55 – Immersive sim elements in Cyberpunk 2077
1:51:07 – My favorite mods for Cyberpunk 2077
1:57:15 – My path to the Quest Director position
2:00:40 – Mods as inspiration
2:07:00 – Back to playing the game
2:13:13 – Moving to Boston
2:16:20 – Gig: On a Tight Leash
2:16:44 – 2022 year for the team
2:24:11 – Official soundtrack of Cyberpunk 2077
2:43:14 – Referencing minor characters in the game
2:47:33 – Closing call with Padre
3:00:30 – Cyberpsycho Sighting: Seaside Cafe
3:02:20 – Facing Dao Hyunh
3:25:00 – Judy’s message about the gran
3:31:33 – Closing thoughts
3:33:26 – Stream ending

Thank you for watching!


38 thoughts on “Quest Director plays Cyberpunk 2077! #59”

  1. Please we don't expect a complete overhaul not for combat not for quests … just give the people that want it an option to toggle to let us see V in 3rd person at least just for free roam and exploring… walking around in night city in 3rd person and when engaging in quests and combat to go automatically to first person please!

  2. Can't believe that Call of duty added a 3rd person mode, Resident Evil Village did a complete work to let us play resident evil village in 3rd person to the fullest, even in Far Cry 6 there are ways to see your character in 3rd person like walking in the settlements in 3rd person or using the backpack weapons…… and you guys, the company that is really so in touch and care so much for the gamers and the community, don't add a 3rd person mode even just for walking so we can see the awesome clothes and character customizatiom like we can on the motorcycle… at least let us use mods on consoles so we can add it ourselves…… 🙁

  3. Hello Pawel. I have interesting question.Why dont you guys use more young(age wise) characters in your games as main support cast members ? I mean in range of 18 y old to early 20. For example in both Witcher and Cyberpunk there are 0 young male characters that u interact with (i mean on the lvl of main support chars that get many interactions like johnny,takemura,kerry,river,olgierd,roche,dijkstra,other witchers etc.). Female side at least there is Ciri but rest main fem chars are mature too

    I would love for u guys to explore more youth culture in cyberpunk for example. That is what is missing for me as a younger person. That could create many fun stories that u cant do with older cast. Maybe it is more easy for CDPR writers to write chars over 25y and experienced ? I think having younger cast is fun in RPGs.
    Thanks for stream anyway 🙂

  4. As Far as Immersive sim elements go KingDom Come has some amazing design. One quest has you in trial you need to present evidence in court. There various ways to do the quest and its well written. I would say This a 10 out of 10 quest as it does everything I want in a quest.

  5. Sir Sasko please consider adding a 3rd person mode to cyberpunk… we don’t really want 3rd for combat, and we appreciate the work and the vision for first person story telling, but please consider to give us an option 3rd person for walking when exploring the city, please hire 1,2 modders to work on it if you don’t have time and I swear the community will crowd fund their salaries, I will talk with YouTube channel Open World Games and the community he has all wants 3rd person too

  6. Well fact is the game was overhyped and what got released was underdelivered.
    Hope the company learned from that but the way you use terms like AAA (that's not a quality seal it talks about inflated productions where the PR and the fluff is more important than the crunch) makes me doubt that.

  7. Im really glad that you said that the team is not happy with lack of immersive sim elements, because i think that is one of the biggest faults of the game.
    Hope the team can add more with upcoming patches and Phantom Liberty.

  8. 28:35 dude, stop reading clickbaity BS articles dude. Unless it comes from CDPR its just speculations, relax i know you dont want any "woke" shit and luckaly CDPR never failed in that area, so. No doubt changes will be made to update the game but not in that way… And stay away from game articles, they are not good for your health.

  9. Gerat to see you being back! Thank you for streaming, I'm always having a great time being in the chat!
    Maybe unpopular opinion, but I enjoy these longer "Q&A" sessions before the playthrough, feels like having a conversation with a friend 🙂

  10. PL:
    Nie uważacie, że przydało by się dodać różne zachowania dla dzieci w cyberpunku aby zachować głębsza imersję? Bo patrząc tak na ulicę w miastach to dzieci nie chodzą sobie tak zwyczajnie jak dorośli od punktu A do B. Zazwyczaj albo się bawią w różnych miejscach w grupce kilku dzieci albo chodzą parami z telefonem bądź na hulajnogach. Dzieci zachowują się zupełnie inaczej niż dorośli, co mnie trochę wybijało podczas grania heh. Szukałem może jakiś małych grupek bawiących się w zaułkach czy przy śmietnikach albo na balkonach.

    Don't you think it would be useful to add different behaviors for kids in a cyberpunk to preserve a deeper immersion? Because when looking at the street in cities, children do not walk as usual as adults from point A to B. Usually they either play in different places in a group of several children or walk in pairs with the phone or on scooters. Children behave completely different than adults, which hit me a little while playing heh. I was looking for some small groups playing in the alleys or by the rubbish bins or on the balconies.

  11. I’d be super interested in your opinion… to me update 1.61 is absolutely awesome for Xbox Series S players but if you were playing on Series X, on an HDMI 2.1 tv with VRR there is almost no noticeable change.

    I was hoping raytracing mode might get 40hz or performance mode might become uncapped just for those fortunate enough to have HDMI 2.1 and series x but as it is apparently still capped at 60hz us VRR guys will notice no performance difference at all and since resolution was already great in 1.6 I’m not noticing any difference there either.

    So AWESOME for PC and series s but pretty much amounts to nothing if you’re on series x and hdmi 2.1 tv.

    Am I right? Or are my eyes deceiving me? Still a superb update anyway and no complaints from me.

  12. UPDATE

    if anyone looking to purchase the bitch v.13 syn-resistant pants (they are the pink pants variant) to complete a Mox assemble with the skirt, shoes, tops etc., the pants can be found currently at the Clothing Vendor in Arroyo (the lady with the red hair in the red skirt and black top) since they were tough to find in at any vendor since post patch 1.5


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