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Last week brought a lot of news from CD Projekt RED, so we have spent the first hour discussing a lot of it, while later came back to Night City and continued our adventure.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world RPG that I have co-created. As I love talking about design, storytelling, and psychology in games, I have started streaming on Twitch and discussing it all with my audience.
My goal is to share everything I have learned over a decade in the AAA games industry, openly exchange ideas, explain creative decisions and encourage the next generation of game designers and storytellers to create.
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Timestamps for your viewing experience:
0:00 – Music starts
04:54 – The stream starts
05:40 – Latest news and announcements
07:44 – My move to Boston
11:10 – My current focus
13:00 – Thoughts on moving
17:35 – Studio in Boston
18:50 – Permanent change
23:12 – Streams from USA
25:40 – Joint CEO change
28:40 – Cyberpunk genre
32:30 – Corporations in Night City
33:55 – Choice of Unreal Engine 5
40:07 – 7 new games by CD Projekt RED
43:50 – Maintaining CD Projekt RED ethos
51:17 – Toolset on UE5
57:00 – Codenames of the projects
59:20 – My tasks as Quest Director
1:03:50 – Cyberpsychosis mod
1:05:23 – Internships in Boston studio
1:08:55 – My role in The Witcher games
1:15:52 – Plans of the studio
1:18:05 – Missing Quest Design work
1:22:05 – ESG in the studio
1:25:17 – Leaking things on purpose
1:28:15 – Creating the next game in the same IP
1:30:20 – Dutch Game Day 2022
1:33:33 – Significance of open world
1:38:25 – Characters from Edgerunners
1:41:00 – Consistency of the main story and open world
1:43:50 – Impact of Elden Ring on AAA industry
1:45:30 – Back to playing the game
1:46:15 – Johnny as an unreliable narrator
1:52:40 – T-bug in the trailer
1:54:25 – Purpose of codenames
1:56:40 – Making players proud
2:02:40 – Games that inspired me to make games
2:06:15 – Valuable critique
2:09:10 – Red Dead Redemption’s 2 influence
2:12:50 – My core responsibilities
2:14:04 – Quest names from songs
2:15:05 – My favorite interior in Cyberpunk 2077
2:20:40 – Producing quality The Witcher games
2:24:52 – Delivering vehicle to Jake Estavez
2:29:00 – Gig: Psychofan
2:37:29 – Choosing UE5
2:39:00 – Stepping into the hotel lobby
2:41:34 – Walking into fan’s apartment
2:45:50 – The fanfic
2:57:50 – Kerry’s guitar
3:05:00 – Encounter on the roof
3:13:10 – Meeting voice actors
3:16:36 – Recording voiceovers
3:19:13 – Custom Cyberpunk 2077 accesories
3:23:17 – Gig: The Fifth Column
3:25:52 – Advice for a future colleague
3:29:01 – Talking to Jackie’s friend
3:38:50 – Closing thoughts
3:40:38 – Stream ending
Thank you for watching!
Heya Pawel, loving the stream Congrats on the Boston job, btw, & best of luck with all the future endeavours 🙂.
There are a couple of things I would love to see in the next patch, though. One would be a rebalancing of both level & street cred gain. Since 1.5, it feels like I am maxing out in both areas way too early.
The other thing I would love to see is a proper "dance area" within the Stadium Love Side Activity… that we can dance the way we do at nightclubs. I tried to use dodge, crouch and jump, but it just wasn't the same 😉.
Hi, are there any plans to use mega buildings for missions like in movie dredd, we take down gangs and leaders from bottom to top? Currently they serve no purpose at vertical level, not even explorable. And any plans for implementation of combat zone in pacifica ,its lifeless disctrict as of now, please consider 2nd expansion pack for game ,fans are dying for more. Thank u
I hope console users can acquire the mods soon. Looks thrilling!
So Pawel, without spoiling anything, is there currently any point in looking for Mike Galleck or Theodore H Collins (related to V's Watson Apartment 1242)?
YES! I want to throw tomahawk weapon instead of using a dagger. Just like John Wick 3. I hope you can add that in next expansion. Everybody will love it. GTA will gonna be jealous of it.
Pawel, you are a inspiration. Wish you all the success for you in the world, you are one of the most positive and great story in game dev history. USA ain't that bad, well at least in the north eastern part of the country, Boston is a cool place with fun accents. CP2077 my favorite game of all time, you guys have beat out Mass Effect for my favorite spot, keep up the good work Pawel!
Ah, another patented Pawel Stealth mission 😆
Kingdom Come Deliverance is the perfect middle ground regarding hand holding, it most of time does not mark the exact location of the quest objective, it tells you to do X during the dialogue and roughly marks an area so you have to pay attention to dialogue to properly complete mission, a lot of background info is also given in dialogues rather than quest menu. I was a little disapointed by the amount of hand holding in Cyberpunk 2077 as Im a hardcore rpg player, I love having to pay attention to dialogues and the game world rather than chasing markers on the map. I hope in future games you guys follow a similar fashion.
@PaweSasko hello dear pawesasko I have a question could bring a couple of AVS into play here I know that has I think with a lot of work to do but the models on which you could build are already in the game see the corpo life path I thank you
Tell your boss i would love a VTMB game from you, but please please no open world trash
Great stream Pawel. I wonder whether you guys had ever thought of penalizing the player for using too much cyberware like we had toxicity in the witcher
3:31:23 hahahaha! He drank a glass with his phone. Unbelievable. I never tried that part. When I took that mission, I just jumped to the window, hacked the computer, and get out. Shoot! I should try that mission again.
Thank you for having the passion you have for the creation of this art we all love
Good work CDPR Cyberpunk 2077 is awesome and i hope we become a good Expension Choom!
i hope that the visual sharpness of Redengine is not lost with the move to UE5, the textures are so crisp
Thank you for the stream! These streams always help me to go through the days 🙂
I hope everything will play out well with your move to Boston and the changes you and CDPR are going through and that it will be a positive thing!
Good luck all the REDs, looking forward to your next works!
Just gonna come out and say it. I have a feeling Cyberpunk 2 will be extremely close to everything we wanted with part 1. Thank you Cdpr for all your work, it's been amazing to see the progress.!
Siema paweł dzięki za streama ! Btw tak sie zastanawiałem i o ile wiem wiele osób sie zastanawiało czy nettunnerzy wroga nie powinni mieć więcej opcji niż tylko odkrycie pozycji i przegrzanie ? Nie wiem co sie tam dzieje u was na warsztacie ale skrycie wierze że dacie im z kolejnymi patchami czy dodatkiem więcej opcji jak uszkodzenie wszczepu, broni czy nawet oślepienie 😉 pozdro!
Pawel and Stealth are not two words I can ever use in the same sentence 😆
Can you add Shuriken in cyberpunk 1.7
Good stream Pawel. Keep up the good work.
1.7 and liberty maybe not till mid next year, then no more dlc and the game goes stale for consoles.
Seq 2 add another 6 years for development at minimum. To maintain interest in the game suggest over time you port the dev approved mods to consoles.
Happy moving.
55:34 this here is a very important and quite revealing bit about CP2077 expansions after PL: if reaction to PL is positive and boosts the sales of the complete experience by a significant margin, then a 2nd expansion is not completely off the table. I for one would love a 2nd expansion set in a different place (a la Toussaint), where V looks for a cure OR Silverhand does it and goes to recover V from beyond the Black Wall. An expansion which can play differently based on which one of them gets to keep the body.
One button stealth kill, and a much bigger stealth kill hitbox please.
I wonder what did he study to become a quest director🔎 moviemaking maybe?
I loved Altered Carbon, the 2nd season wasnt as good as the first but i wish Netflix didnt cancel the show. I hope CDPR adds some Altered Carbon easter eggs to CP2077, or the sequel.