Pyramid Song | Cyberpunk 2077 – Blind Playthrough [Part 25]

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Mods Installed:
Immersive Bartending
Immersive Food Vendors
Quiet menus
No intro
Unequip Mods:
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No More Out-Leveling Vendor Items


40 thoughts on “Pyramid Song | Cyberpunk 2077 – Blind Playthrough [Part 25]”

  1. 1:46:21 Definitely. Lesbians love hardcore intimacy. Married by the third date. Gays love hardcore sex. They know most things about each other's bodies before learning each other's names. So yes, queer people go fast because we normally speak the same love language as our gender that straight people don't always get to enjoy.

  2. Regarding the ncpd missions, yeah really not that essential, doing em as u come across them every once in a while is fun and u level up a bit but the story telling in them is minimal. The random encounters and gigs on the other hand, all quite good and worth doing, lots of dialogue with johnny and some even involve side characters u know.

  3. At first I thought maybe it's just some random bugs but after a bunch of episodes the same ones have been happening way too often, I don't think it's the games fault but your mods or something else.
    I've been playing this game since it launched, just passed 1k hours recently and I never encountered some of the bugs you had nor have I seen them in other people's playthroughs, some I had as well but not as often as you, though I'm talking before 2.0 and PL, after it I haven't encountered any bugs or glitches so it's weird that you do.
    Some people have mentioned that it might be because of the latest patch but idk it's smooth so far for me.

  4. If you dont have a cyberdeck to distract enemies you can throw a knife at a wall and they'll hear it but it won't alert them, obviously it has to be relatively close to them

  5. 59:23 because you're playing on a dogshit controller, Cyberpunk has many keybind so no wonder its annoying when one key does 4 different things, honesly people playing fps pc games on controlers should be locked up in a asylum

  6. Deinstall the flashlight, might help with bugs? I never fell through the floor and never got the crashing cars with Ozob. Also, the ncpd markers are fun, they give you perk points, but I understand is you skip some, there are many. But as a viewer, I request you to do all gigs and quests. Even the gigs have Johnny dialogue and some great encounters. Would love to see you play them, hope you take the time for them. I love watching every minute of this playthrough, dont want it to end. This game is in my top 3 of all time for atmosphere and storytelling, its so good!

  7. yess judy romance !! one of my fave romances in video games ever. it’s just written so well and she’s such a good character too, plus with the fact that V is also so well written, they just fit so well together.

  8. If you can't loot a body you can quicksave and instantly reload to fix it. It's a common bug. You should do it because you may miss out on Cyberware Capacity Shards which are limited and count as dropped even if you don't pick them up.

  9. You don't have to take all smaller perks to unlock the higher main ones. You only need to meet the attribute requirement (4, 9, 15, 20) and get the one perk that is connected to it. If you like blades, I recommend going to the finisher perks ASP – they look cool and you are immune to dmg during the animation.


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