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PS4 Base Open World Gameplay Cyberpunk 2077 (PlayStation 4). How the game looks in the Open World on PS4 Cyberpunk 2077. You can see Cyberpunk 2077 Open World PS4 Gameplay following this video guide. Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed by CD Projekt Red.
It's PS4 base version.
This looks shit. If anyone knew this is what it would look like on a PS4, PS4 owners would be like 'NO!'
looks like ps3
I cant imagine playing this game on 30fps, I bet it even drops to 15-20
sleeping dogs from ps3 remastered to ps4 look better than this CRAP
Hello! Why is it that when I record video on ps4, the music doesn't sound to me. What makes this?
Cry babies, please tell me what’s wrong here?
YIKES!!!!!!!! Dizzy city. Sadly my brain cannot deal with this view……….it brings on instant dizziness. Bummer cuz this game looked fun
am i the only person that doesn’t think this is that bad i mean is long as i can still play the game good enough
well -if close eyes it be look not bad)
The lack of density in the city I think is a problem.
Kack Grafik da schaut mein Gameboy Tetris noch besser aus Cyberpunk 2077 so hart lost C64 oder Amiga 500 Grafik auf CD Gebrannd mit Mikrowelle 🤮🤮 Home Office 2020 Verkackt
its a miracle this shit even runs at all on this ancient hardware
Looks pretty good
Should I get it anyways? Im getting bored of the RPG's I have.
I had to rewind a lot just to make sure if the fps drop was because of my internet or not :3
I mean, not to defend this, it does look like shit compared to what God of War, Spider-Man, Horizon Zero dawn put on the table. And even non-first party titles like, say Red Dead Redemption 2 or Assassins Creed are just way ahead of what this looks like.
But in all honesty, it doesn't look entirely like a lost case and the PS5 and XboxOneX version are actually looking okay. Nevertheless they really gotta solve the texture pop-in and solve the framerate issue to be a stable 30fps and then this will be a worthwhile title. (I already played through it. Did almost all sidequests and a bunch of box-ticking on the open world. So maybe 70 hours total playtime.) So if framerate and texture load-in gets fixed (and the bugs obviously), then it's an easy 8/10, not a masterpiece, not crap.
What worries me more for ps4-version users, that some future CONTENT updates might not be made available for the last Gen Versions. Imagine stuff like Trauma Teams or actual AI for NPCs and Cars (and also motorbikes which are entirely missing from the streets, unless you're on one). AI is apparently heavy on CPU and since PS4 and XBox have these weak jaguar processors, they might just not be able to handle it. Not much of an excuse though when a bunch of open worlds games have done better AI on way older systems.
But yeah. Wait a year. Maybe save some money for a new gaming console/PC or consider Stadia or Nvidia or whatever game streaming service it might be available on in a year or two.
I think it looks fine I don't see the problem…It doesn't look glitchy or did I miss something…
The whole game should've taken another year or released only on PC until they had time to work on the console versions. To me, it looks like they built the game for a PC then did a terrible job scaling it for consoles.
not only are there drops in the fps, but also drops in the population like damn where tf is everyone
The driving is so bad on base PS4, I cant even enjoy the game cuz the driving feels like its in slow motion because of the framerate and it controls awfully. Can't enjoy combat either cuz of the fps drops and the game just looks blurry and ugly
I have my PS4 version still sealed lmao I'll played this when I get my Xbox Series X
Watch Dogs Legion looks better.
2:27 🎵slide to the right🎵
I used to be pissed off at Rockstar for letting go of the old-gen versions of GTA 5 after only 2 years of updates, I thought the only thing it lacked was some more modular controls (which the PS4 version has)
I see this and it's like CDPR just sold a beta build. The entire thing looks and feels worse than a 7 years old game on 15 years old hardware. Why does it look so bland and run so bad when nothing seems to be happening on-screen ?
Ok ik people hate the base console for this game but the only reason I wanna play on ps4 is cuz it's funny af watching this
See kids? That's why a GTA game takes so much time.
What i see is the mishandling of the streaming, cpu/gpu usage an I/O bad code. Thry need to fix the performance and the loading issues first, then the bugs
90% of the shops are empty, barely any npcs around and runs like crap
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even if my life depended on it, i wouldn’t trust you to be my driver lmaoo
i feel lag even in 144p
2:30 make no mistake, cdpr was pretty lazy to finish physics class
Cyberpunk will be a great game just give it another 5 years
It don't even look bad like they say
Game looks exactly the same on my PS4 even after patch 1.22 🙁
isnt smooth ? why
sci-fi GTA with terrible NPCS