Playing Cyberpunk 2077 after watching Cyberpunk Edgerunners

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That hurt lol. :’)


39 thoughts on “Playing Cyberpunk 2077 after watching Cyberpunk Edgerunners”

  1. Its kinda weird… 2020 came and Cyberpunk was released, over the first year it received a buttload of hate and the devs had to adjust the game for all them normies whom couldnt play the game properly and were just hunting bugs… second year came and the devs had a great idea to just work with modders and make the game just better for them whom stayed with them since first teaser, troughout the launch up until now… and now we get an anime, people realize how the game was actually meant to be played and suddenly accordingly to steam reports, Cyberpunk is the most played SP game ever… I dont understand people… Maybe if you all never put so much hate into the game, we could have had way more than few cosmetic addons to the game and one season of Anime… We could have had way more than just that including coop that was scheduled but scrapped after CDPR lost most of their budget on "fixing" the game because people were playing it as a GTA and didnt realized that its not GTA but an RPG game set to a crowded city so driving on a sidewalk and running over people was not the intended way to play the game… and so on… Its really sad what all these people did to CDPR and Cyberpunk as a whole and if I were them, I would say "fck you, you play the game wrong because these people never had any bugs and you do which is sus AF" and honestly I havent encountered any softlocks, hardlocks, double dialogue problems, weird car behaviour… nothing… and I finished the game 5 times since release alteady and it was always the same up until the point where I decided to try out to hunt bugs and then it hit me with full force… The game came out nearly perfect and now its back even tho them supposed fixes were not fixed at all, its just the mentality of all them people whom think they were fixed…

  2. Haven't played the game yet. I know the essential story and things about it from gameplay, but i only watched the anime. I just know that if I ever start playing the game, it is going to mess with me so badly

  3. This series had genuinely made me feel like I haven't appreciated the gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077. Makes me want to go back to the beginning and treat it more like a story and experience night city as it was in the series rather than something to finish


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