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Checking out how Cyberpunk 2077 is running on Geforce Now.
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my gf bought it on stadia for the chromecast bundle and i bought it on gog for gfn, both with gigabit ethernet, and stadia's is so much worse visually and performance wise, everyone should get an phone grip for a dualshock or xbone controller for the phone app
Nvidia nailed the whole gfn by adding Cyberpunk, firstly they should improve their already crap and limited servers, and then advertise the service…This popularity will kill Geforce now.
I After using it for 2 years i can say that it is not the future of gaming. It is full of glitches and bugs wchich pop up every week. Servers are getting worse every month this year. Nvidia doesn't give a shit about longer performance and just search for more ways to milk people from $
the service used to be good…used to be
As a base PS4 owner, I think this is gonna be the way to go.
how do you check your rig and fps?
the input lag is so annoying
Idk if its the game but mine looks a little grainy/blurry
I've played everything ultra and psycho and works well. Great job for nvidia
Another base PS4 owner here with GFN and Shadow. I always prefer to own my media so that I can sell it (Old School) but man it looks bad on PS4 from what Ive seen. Has anyone tried Cyberpunk via GeForce now on the big screen via GeForce on an NVidea Shield TV 2019 tube style?
Does it count statistics on your steam profile? hours, achievements etc.
Well it looks really nice! I have PS4 and gaming MSI laptop (but 3-4 years old) so that's the option, as now I don't want to buy next gen Xbox. I just need to test my internet speed so it's fine 🙂 thanks for showing that. Does GeForce now require any specific stuff inside your laptop?
Can you stream it in 4K with Raytracing? Or only in Full HD?
Turn film grain off… sht is ass, all pixelated I thought it was my monitor
Can it handle 4K ray tracing?
I have one problem, I have a paid subscription and everything works in cypepunk, e.g. the map is pixelated or the character will help someone plz
Does you guys buy the game on steam epic or gog?
if you play at 8 am or so everything is fine and no waiting at all. so far way better than expected . nethertheless its just a solution until i get my hands on my new gpu.
Do you have a limited amount of time to play with the founders edition?
Do you need to buy the game?
You said GeForce Now has minimal input latency which is great! But obviously that largely depends on internet speed. What is your download/upload speed? That way I know how to judge how fast I need for the ‘minimal latency’
I would like to check my fps in game but ctrl + alt +f6 doesn't work any tips? 🙁
geforce now, gpu restock later.
Do you think it’s playable on iPad Pro with AirPlay on an Apple TV?
Will it work good on 100mbps up and down connection if is fiber and it is stable
For some reason for me, the resolution looks grainy. I have a good internet connection and set the resolution to my screen. But no matter what I do it just looks grainy. And the text even in the menu, blurry.
Does anybody know how to enable fps counter in geforce now?
Better option than new consoles.
seems it works only on 30 fps … even without raytracing 60 fps is not possible … doesjt seem geforce now can keep what they promised
I, a base PS4 owner, played yesterday on my 3 year old iPhone SE and had a much better experience. This is the way to go.
it doesnt look like a1080p it looks like a 720p
How did you know and display what rig you were on?
is 100Mb / s enough?
This seems great. Im getting 100mbits fiber soon. Before I've had bad mobile WiFi so cloud gaming has never been an option for me before. I have question though. Will they upgrade their rigs to do 4K gaming?
Im from Germany and have stable 100.000 DSL but cyberpunk looks very blurry for me using geforce now
for me it looks like shit even on max settings. the resolution doesn't look full hd. im running on 600 mb download and 500 mb upload so internet shouldn't be a problem. everything maxed out in geforce settings, but the text and everything else looks blurry as hell
Amazed that you can play triple A games on high settings on an iPhone. Tried it today with R6: siege and although latency is a bit of an issue, the game is still playable!
RT makes a big difference in this game, especially in some scenes and locations (like interiors, when sun is getting through windows).
Would be great if you could display some fps meter (eg. the one that is available on Steam).
Later in the game framerate tends to be a little inconsistent (45-60fps, I'm playing on similar settings), though I still prefer this than Stadia in 'quality' mode.
Hey @GameTechPlanet, could you answer me one question that's been bugging me alot?
At min 1:00, you've shown the streaming statistics.
It's known that Cyberpunk 2077 is running on dx12, so how come the last line says Renderer dx11?. Or am i missunderstanding something?
What internet connection do you have? E.g. max real download speed.
when i played this mission that women was completely naked
Gefroce now is on TITAN RTX ..
can i still play cyberfunk on GEFORCE GTX?
Geforce now is best for pc gaming and mobile
No delay?