My HONEST opinion of Cyberpunk 2077, Should you buy it after update 1.3.1?

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We cut through the YouTube and media narratives about Cyberpunk 2077 and tell you the honest truth about whether you should play it after patch 1.3.1. There is a lot of OLD narratives of this game. Is it a disaster? Does it crash all the time? Is it buggy? Is there not enough choice? Is it a failure?

“BEST infinite $$$ 1.3 exploit after update of Cyberpunk 2077, $1MM+ per hour crafting”

Gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 by CD Projekt Red

(c) 2021,. Linus Wilson, Vermilion Advisory Services, LLC


9 thoughts on “My HONEST opinion of Cyberpunk 2077, Should you buy it after update 1.3.1?”

  1. I don't even remotely keep up with cyberpunk 2077 but I've never heard nobody really say anything truly positive about it that game is actually quite a joke now bethesda's project starfield I really hope that will be much different but personally I'm excited for elder scrolls 6 but I am also excited for the next Winter game which I hope will come out and at least the next couple years hopefully they would be wise to capitalize on the Netflix success as soon as possible

  2. I’ve also played Witcher 1-3 one of my favorite publishers. My main issue with Cyberpunk is that its a depressing evil world to inhabit. There’s just no redeeming quality’s about it whatsoever including its depressing characters. Just a huge misfire from every angle except graphics imo. The only time i load it up is to get on a bike and drive around the city for a bit to look at the graphics.

  3. Appreciate what saying about expectations of 2013 console players…but the devs released it on those devices knowing it wasnt capable so I get their complaints as they should have skipped those devices and stopped been so greedy


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