My Friend Delamain | Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty #24

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Cyberpunk 2077, that game everyone loved, then hated, then loved again.

And much like every other RPG that seems to come out recently, I am the disembodied voice in the head of another person who doesn’t sound like me, which is very confusing. If by Role Playing Game you meant play the role of a man who is going to what he likes, then yes, I am ready to role play.

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20 thoughts on “My Friend Delamain | Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty #24”

  1. You're not gonna use vehicles much anyways, but get the murkman Caliburn (batmobile) in that one tunnel you did the Panam kill Nash quest last episode just to get a laugh at another Easter egg, like that Grove street one, and it'd been Ryders house I think. CJ's wasn't on the ends.

  2. Comrade's Hammer used to be a monster, easly the strongest, if not best, pistol of the game, they nerfed it hard in 2.0 and now a basicbitch Burya is a better gun than it
    As for getting a good revolver, you can get an Overture form different vendors on the Badlands, the iconic ones are monsters on their own right but they have quests associated with them

  3. FWIW, I've found the pistols are just flat out better than the revolvers. Specifically one called "Nue". More boolets, fires faster, same if not more damage, plus, can be suppressed.

    Oh, It wont have more damage than that revolver lmao. This is what I get for commenting mid video.

  4. Do you still have dash on the middle mouse? Maybe the thumb button could be a good alternative?

    Also one remark to your decision to blame Johnny for the situation. I would agree with Johnny that it's not his fault. Yes, he is an asshole but the fact that Johnny is taking over V's mind is the new chips which arosaka made.

  5. That mission that popped up at the end called "I'm in love with my car", is a mission that gets you a free vehicle. Well… Not just a free vehicle, but a free vehicle with GOD DAMN MACHINE GUNS ATTACHED TO IT!

    So yeah, you should probably go back for it, cuz that's the only location you're going to find that car.

  6. Not a revolver, but there's a tech pistol I always liked using called Lizzie that you can find in the basement of Lizzie's Bar in a room near where you first do the BD with Judy. I don't know if 2.0 has changed it's iconic effect but it's worth trying it out.

    Going down Johnny's questline will net you (technically) two iconic revolvers as well, one is the gun you use in the flashbacks, but it's mechanically identical to the revolvers in the game rather than the spammy pistols. So you've got that coming up soon.

  7. Please do "Im in love with this car", im quite sure you will LOVE the reward! Also that quest will take you… ohhh longuer to get back there than do the quest itself, its that fast and the reward, youll have fun lemme tell you that.

  8. The Overture is your cyber-magnum six-shooter if you want that.
    All the other iconic revolvers are gated behind quests, some indirectly like the airdrops in Dogtown DLC Land.

  9. An iconic pistol you could get without quests is Scorch, combined with Bolt perks and an Engineer passive bonus it wrecks. Not a revolver though, tech pistol, it takes a bit of mastery but as a gunslinger build it competes with my revolvers.

  10. The revolver you could get in the shortest amount of vanilla quests (4) would be Crash; meet with Elizabeth and help the cop you meet. Otherwise follow the DLC questline until you can freely travel back and forth to open up airdrops and a gig for getting Rosco.


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