Imagining the NEXT Cyberpunk 2077 | Unreal Engine 5 HD 4K 2022

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The next Cyberpunk 2077 is yet to be announced but what if CD Projekt RED decided to develop a sequel with Unreal Engine 5? Take a look at the most UNREAL footage from Unreal Engine 5 reels and imagine how a new CYBERPUNK 2 might look like in the future. Environment megapacks from the Epic Marketplace, MetaHumans Creator from Epic, VFX and Zbrush were also used in this video.

Thank you to all the artists for the amazing assets:

Saher Tarek
Learte Studios
Artcore Studios
Masashi Imagawa
Artem Artificial
J Hill

#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk2 #UE5


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*Disclaimer: We don’t own the material featured in this video. This is only an informative video and it’s not meant to be an official trailer.


23 thoughts on “Imagining the NEXT Cyberpunk 2077 | Unreal Engine 5 HD 4K 2022”

  1. Выглядит просто пздц как ахуенно,кибер просто квадратный мультик по сравнению с этим!правда что бы такой графон увид4ть пк нужен из хз какого поколения!

  2. Even though we have to prolly wait minimum 5 or more years for a new Cyberpunk 2077 2 game but I sure am looking forward to it being build on the Unreal Engine 5.

  3. No. Despite that I like the idea of having a better Cyberpunk 2077 “game”, I still will say that the devs are the ones who should have gave us this quality in the first game.

  4. Круто! Именно таким должен был выйти киберпанк… Правда эстетики бегущего по лезвию все же не хватает, но я увидел отсылки на него и это здорово!
    Рэды вроде как ведьмака 4 делают на анриле, возможно следующий проект по киберпанку когда нибудь увидит свет на 5м поколении этого движка.

  5. Engine tech makes a game run but content is what sells the game. They're definitely going to make more CP2077 content, and probably a sequel, after all the time/effort spent on the RedEngine for it. Giving up on this IP makes no business sense. Sequels are so common because the engine and assets are already there, publishers just crank out another new campaign and call it a new entry in the series. Call of Duty is a perfect example of this.

    Cyberpunk was a buggy, but good, game. Basically CDPR wanted a dense open city version of Deus Ex with the refined cover-gunplay of CoD:MW2, the stealth of Splinter Cell (this part was unexpectedly good), action exploration, and all the other secondary elements of an open world game including a real time Sun (object shadows move slowly if you stand still). Oh yeah, and the controls of Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Of course it's gonna be buggy since development only started in 2016. Thinking about making a vid on this.

    To be fair though, Cyberpunk is a way more ambitious piece of software engineering with what they were trying to achieve. And that's something most discussions generally overlooked. Had CDPR upper management not cracked under pressure from investors to release the game 2 years before it was fully polished, it would have met their lofty goals.

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