Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
This is the most important thing that you have to know before building your character.
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Not all hero’s wear capes
Oh can we have your spread sheets?
You seem to know a lot about this game so, question. If my main objective is to be able to open any locked door in the game, should I go for body or tech? I thought body maybe, but I won't have guerilla arms I'll have mantis blades if that matters, then I thought if I can open the same doors with tech I might do that because tech overall might come in more handy than body?
This is a good way to be master of all kinda I like 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
games a 4/10 from me…
I love how a game can release and you know THE BEST anything immediately…lul
Awesome video
Very nice presentation of all you need know beginners details in a short video
It's so hard to find information on min-max stuff for this game yet so this helps a lot with the numbers laid out, thanks!
#1 tip is to not pay more than ~$30 to play it.
It's got a pretty decent story trapped inside janky gameplay. The entire UI feels cluttered and overcomplicated. The game world feels about the same way cluttered and hard to enjoy.
So far the game feels pretty middle of the road. Nothing really stands out as impressive. It feels like an upgraded version of Deus Ex: Invisible War.
I'm sure the bugs will be fixed but there's some pretty bad ones that I don't see how they didn't fix before lunch.
By the way how you talk about Cyberpunk 2077, I can feel Nikita is missing you already.
And now lets 100k this up
yooo that's an awesome new hairstyle bro! keep up your great content too, i love your stuff brother.
This new hairstyle fits you boi. No homo my friend
nice tips on Cyberpunk 2077…thanks 👍
What type of build are you making
Eroktic never fails with tips and tricks… thanks for the video.
Who’s Eroktic? I just seen new Hollywood star for a CyberPunk movie…am I wrong??!
This game is the biggest disappoint of 2020. Covid might as well take me and my family now. I have nothing to live for.
Thanks for the advice! This is a Great Video as it gives you some Pointers on what you can Focus without spoiling everything or limiting you to a specific Play Style
does this apply to any life path?
Dude, I am not throwing shade, but I have never seen you before and you pretty much look exactly like my Cyberpunk character.
Take this suggestion with a MASSIVE grain of salt. In theory, this is great. In practice, it takes FOREVER to level up some skills. Athletics for example, doesn't gain xp just from sprinting or dodging during combat, only certain actions, which means it is hella slow. If you spread your playstyle around to try and maximize the perk points, your primary style is going to be stuck at low levels forever. This locks you out of the capstone perk.
game: is released
youtubers: "you should, you must, you need"
Very good guide…why do people dislike this…
Great video man thanks
This game is a total dogshit…
You can't retrieve throwing knives. 🙁
You know you are a beast, when you end game without any perk and attribute on extreme hard 😜😜 Btw nice Tips 💪
omg this game is insult,this game is peace of crap,dude skra,lets play tarkov man
This game is a blast and more than enough to explore and tinker with for a long time. Multiple play through guaranteed on different playstyles and I should've checked your video sooner dyude man but I was in the game, I will add the perks now at level 8. EroktiSalut
You are Best man👍
shit game
for the lack of materials at the beginning ..u can buy soda cans from vending machiens disasemble them craft shotguns and sell those = infinit money
so the skill of gettting more components is very important to make money early on
if u buy those cans slowly the vending machiens never run out of stock. however if they do run out just drop a quicksafe and reload .they will be restocked
also handguns are broken as fuck with all those critical hit bonus u can get via perks because the system combines flat bonus dmg with % dmg (headshot dmg of 2k is nothing special )
you can make the shitty starter pistol more powerfull than any other weapontype in game
there is also a perk that will remove the distance penalty from handguns wich means u could slap a scope/sight on ur handgun and have an extrem powerfull sniper
and all this is possible very early in the game
FYI They patched the xp with vending machines. Seem some you get lucky. Most you don't
<3 <3 <3
That was actually very simple and very usefull. Subed m8
Dont worry bro you explain everything with exact accuracy and completely followable. Im impressed seriously. Keep it up ur dope
one of the best guides for skill based optimisation
lests start intel super low so we can not get the perk you suggest. nice tip.
Dagger dealer throws your daggers from inventory so if you have a legendary dagger say bye bye to it… you CANT get it back.
For anyone wondering; the max amount of perk points you can get on max level is 113 without perk shards.
Recommend Pack Mule (Athletics) for additional carrying capacity!
paste into sticky notes to save for later
—BODY—athletics: 3, 7, 8
Annilation: 3, 6 ,9
Brawler: 3, 6 ,9
—REFLEXES—Assault: 3, 6, 9
Handguns: 3, 6, 9
Blades: 3, 8, 9
—TECHNICAL—Crafting: 2, 5, 8
Engineering: 2, 6, 8
—INTELLIGENCE—Protocol: 2, 6
Quickhacking: 2, 4, 9
—COOL—Stealth: 3, 5, 7
Cold BLood: 4, 5, 9
There is just a little mistake …Skill progression rewards go up to lvl 20 ( just slide the litle red slider under and you can see all of the rewards).