I really wish there was a way to increase the music levels in the game. This song in particular during Dont Fear The Reaper was so muted compared to all the other sounds and shit going off. I would've preferred just this banging away and everything else being drowned out.
Such a shame we can't vibe to this on a livestream as viewers and streamers cuz of shitty DMCA laws that screw consumers. Would have some wholesome reaction content. Bummer.
for anyone curious this is just a loop of "the rebel path" from the OST
You know the soundtrack is good when youtube puts "BFG division" and "Razormind" as the next songs.
The song's called "The Rebel Path"
"Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be legendary."
Killing Strangers 2077
Man this theme is sooo good
The game is bad in a lot of aspects, but the soundtrack is not one of them
I really wish there was a way to increase the music levels in the game. This song in particular during Dont Fear The Reaper was so muted compared to all the other sounds and shit going off. I would've preferred just this banging away and everything else being drowned out.
New title it’s should be called
Keanu Reeves theme song
"I told you I'd kill you someday, Johnny-Boy…"
so glad I got to beat Adam Smasher's ass later on in the story lol
“Look on my works ye’ mighty and Despair!”
DAYUMN, i never knew my theme was popular
best part of the game for sure
" V, I'm… I'm just scared for ya… "
The first sequence when you play as Silverhand is literally a love letter to the John Wick movies lmao
– Arasaka left chat
ik the game is buggy and shit, but i genuinely enjoyed it
Fucking Johnny has entered the building
The most epic theme song in gaming.
Hands down.
Such a shame we can't vibe to this on a livestream as viewers and streamers cuz of shitty DMCA laws that screw consumers. Would have some wholesome reaction content. Bummer.
Johnny Silverhand is my fav character and his introduction…man lemme tell ya
this music is getting me PUMPED for john wick 4
Me and the bois at 3AM raiding and nuking Arasaka
Me when I take ketchup packets from the cafeteria to then later rig the toilet seats with.
Anyone else notice that the cover v looks kind of like BJ Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein (imagine BJ but less muscular and a smaller jawbone)
Feel bad for everyone who didn’t have a good computer cuz this game was fucking awesome
Honestly the music and story are where it peaks. Otherwise the game felt kinda dull to play imo.
Oh, and songs a banger <3
People how disliked this soundtrack are bunch of arasaka's pubic hair.
Nice Theme 🔥
Boss music for playing as the game's final boss!
When you hear this, its time to go full throttle!
End fly fly arasaka boom night City
The exaggerated swagger of a Johnny silverhand
Johnny's HUD colour scheme >>>> V's
This music describes cyberpunk bro it s awesome