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Watch Thea build the blades:
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Artist: Masood Safdarian
Editor: Lilit Aramyan
ARIA: @ClaireMax
Smart boi: Kyle
Sound effects:
Thanks for watching, Samurai
I cant wait till I get cyberpunk next week. I loved the witcher : wild hunt and im looking forward to what this game is like
more importantly the actual blade in the game extends itself via its own muscle so a more accurate test would be some sort of cord system that also extends the blade out further not just a spring
Battle scythe?
Very deadly.
When you consider the difference in force being used between our characters and this trio it really puts into perspective how effective of a weapon these could be.
Still prefer Gorilla Arms. 😉
Wh……why did you say Aluminum wrong the third time?…… odd
She can cut me in half i don't mind
It looked like it, but it had no pneumatic action to generate the force required.
All you were using was the momentum of your punch to try and pierce, while the Mantis Shrimp's version is all about tension filled tendons that snap out when triggered.
She said aluminum at first and randomly switched to aluminium. Not complaining. It was just something that caught my attention.
The music is spot on! I love synthwave
6:10 Scientists are making artificial muscles!?
Who cares about evil applications; THINK OF ALL THE GOOD WE CAN DO!!! Imagine super advanced prosthetics! Major injuries could be so much less damaging to people!
…Isn't there some doctor group in Cyberpunk lore? I think I'd be a part of that group.
YouTube algorithm only work other crappy channel..
how is a girl that pretty able to do that metalwork
I don't like mantis blades … they look unwieldy and the fact that they can swivel forward doe not change the fact that you have a hunk of stuff jutting out from your arm, being ankered to you bones in some stupid place and messing with your arms weight distribution when extended, using these feels probably horrible on the elbow joint after any length of time greater then five minutes. The prop wobbled in all the shots when in action, so precise control of this ridiculous contraption is also out of the window.
Why not have your futuristic springblade be ankered to the wrist rotating out of its storage. You would have to deactivate and move the hand yes, but with the mantisblade the hand is also pretty much useless counterweight for the blade. This way you can have the whole length of the arm as a blade, and the blade be still in line with your arm, for perfect stabbing and slashing motions.
Or you shoot anyone with implanted blades with a high powered Smart Sniper rifle from 500m through the wall before they know they need the blade at all. Thats still my prefered approach.
Anyway cool prop
"Budget norse diety"? Fuck I'm a heathen and I'd worship you.
Thea is a little too 'on' for the camera for me. Idk she a little weird lol and it doesn't help the channel's level of cringe
Cyberpunk adds new life to an old joke "New Brain, who dis?"
fucccck dude your voice in the beginning sequence is hot as hell
you should have made the arm for the blade move via a handle you articulate with your wrist also could help it keep stable when lunging it forward
Discount Norse Deity and maybe a discount Ryan Reynolds (11:02)
@9:35 budget thor lol
So I'd argue that the a blunt weapon, especially with this much fource behind it, would be a more versatile and maintainable without many real sacrifices.