How to reach Kabuki fight – CYBERPUNK 2077

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Beat on the brat Kabuki can be a bit problematic to reach so here is how to get to the fight spot.
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23 thoughts on “How to reach Kabuki fight – CYBERPUNK 2077”

  1. When I try to counter it doesn't work, so it ends up being the block. I can't block the combo's cause it chips away at my health, been doing this for almost an hour & a half… fuck that.

  2. a little extra tip: if you're feeling it's impossible to stop incomming attacks since they're moving up constantly against you.. there's a "way" to kinda make them stop.. if you run FAR to corner of the stair location (garbage bags) and the opposite site at that big smokin' ventilation and pipe thing… you can make them STOP comming at you by just standing all still in the cornors… They will just tell you (with body language so to speak) to come at them.. Now if u step 1-2 step ahead a of the corner when already standing still they start moving again at you.. then you can make them come 1 by 1 at you.. giving you a better chance of victory, remember to block as much you can…. if u give it a try.. u might see it works.. took me some time to see for myself.. but it worked here 🙂 cheers! merry christmas (sorry my bad english)

  3. This mission is complete BS. Their stupid quad combo attack needs to be removed because it is nearly undodgeable and can LITERALLY kill me instantly if all 4 shots hit

  4. Didn’t know you can play this game on very easy this fight is nothing like this I’m lvl 32 and still can’t beat this shit fight I hit them and they don’t even lose much hp while one punch from them I lose 30hp


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