How to increase headshot damage in Cyberpunk 2077 by 50 percent

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We found a cyberware mod that will increase headshot damage by 50% in Cyberpunk 2077.

You have to pay off your debt to Viktor and then he’ll trade with you. He sells a cyberware mod for your optical cyberware that will increase headshot damage in Cyberpunk 2077.

The best part is that this mod is only 20,000 eurodollars, it’s not extremely expensive, only kind of expensive. With this you’ll be able to do crazy DPS in Cyberpunk 2077, especially with sniper rifle critical headshots.

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18 thoughts on “How to increase headshot damage in Cyberpunk 2077 by 50 percent”

  1. Do you know if these stack? I have 3 in my slot. Also the deadeye mod for clothing are you able to give any input on this? I have stacked quite a few of them but it appears that not even 1 increases the crit damage and chance properly. according to ingame stats that is
    its as if the mod does nothing.


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