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In this video I’ll show you where you can find the RT-BURYA pistol LEGENDARY blueprint, which GIG mission you need to do in order to obtain it in Cyberpunk 2077. This includes also gameplay of me crafting the RT-45 Burya revolver and playing with it.
but how did you get overture revolver blueprint
The Burya is a tech weapon but you aren't able charge up the shots. Either way each shot still goes through walls and cars like a tech sniper which is why it's one of my favorite weapons to use. Thanks for the video I'm definitely gonna look for the legendary blueprint later.
Where did you get the gig?
Please, need answear! Where did you get overture blueprint?
best legendry revolver/pistol blueprint to use for stealth?
So I just wanna say that I have been scouring the internet for the location of this schematic for days, I've checked so many "Legendary weapons guides" that I have lost track and none of them had this blueprints location, so Thank You very much for finally letting me get this thing, Its already being used well.
I got a epic version with a special atribute but it's not marked with unique. Quinda weird, maybe they forgot to mark it, because it had almost twice the DPS of any other weapon I had when I got it (around lv 30).
It's still my most damaging ranged weapon by a large margin at lv 35.
i was hoping it's the power type so i can slap in my silencer
This Game has blockchain integrated?
where drop the legendary smart pistol? the 2.10 shoot tempo
when or where do you get the GIG?
Great vid, thanks
A lot of these are in stores 🤷🏼♂️ I found this schematic for $20,000