How to get RT-45 BURYA Revolver Legendary Blueprint in Cyberpunk 2077?

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In this video I’ll show you where you can find the RT-BURYA pistol LEGENDARY blueprint, which GIG mission you need to do in order to obtain it in Cyberpunk 2077. This includes also gameplay of me crafting the RT-45 Burya revolver and playing with it.



14 thoughts on “How to get RT-45 BURYA Revolver Legendary Blueprint in Cyberpunk 2077?”

  1. The Burya is a tech weapon but you aren't able charge up the shots. Either way each shot still goes through walls and cars like a tech sniper which is why it's one of my favorite weapons to use. Thanks for the video I'm definitely gonna look for the legendary blueprint later.

  2. So I just wanna say that I have been scouring the internet for the location of this schematic for days, I've checked so many "Legendary weapons guides" that I have lost track and none of them had this blueprints location, so Thank You very much for finally letting me get this thing, Its already being used well.

  3. I got a epic version with a special atribute but it's not marked with unique. Quinda weird, maybe they forgot to mark it, because it had almost twice the DPS of any other weapon I had when I got it (around lv 30).

    It's still my most damaging ranged weapon by a large margin at lv 35.


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