Hidden Legendary Solo Merc Eyewear – Clothing Sets in Cyberpunk 2077

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#cyberpunk2077 #legendary #gear #solo #merc

– Merc Legendary Set –

Merc Boots – https://youtube.com/shorts/j5PgX9yGPQ0
Merc Shirt – https://youtube.com/shorts/NsVoZElvVww
Merc Headpiece – https://youtube.com/shorts/0Ma7iyR7qok
Merc Pants – https://youtube.com/shorts/s9flCEQlzKc
Merc Jacket – https://youtube.com/shorts/1CC6_o4cLQQ


35 thoughts on “Hidden Legendary Solo Merc Eyewear – Clothing Sets in Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. I hope the greed makes them think about adding some more depth to their games because they missed so many opportunities. New technology allows them to make details better. The story and options in dialog are good but they put all their effort into the beginning of the game to get us hooked like the cinematic of you and Jackie doing shit. Hopefully the dlc fixes stuff.

  2. I don’t know if anyones said this before so sorry in advance, but I felt that location was a reference to the start of bladerunner 2049. (Spoilers) At the start, Joe tracks down a rogue replicant that was a former combat medic that went awol and started a small farm outside of any major city. They than later get in a fight which leads them crashing through a wall and later Joe killing him. Now if you check the dead guys body in the game, you’ll find a note that says he was a combat medic that went awol too. That, and the fact he’s in a secluded area outside the city in a “sorta agricultural” area next to blown out wall. The message on him indicates he was being hunted if I recall(memories a little fuzzy). I dunno maybe I’m dumb. Just thought I’d throw it out there

  3. So if you're a lower level it's probably best to wait until your lvl 30 to look for legendary items hey? Since being a higher level will give the item better stats making it more viable

  4. I just ran into this trailer that had a truck attached to it, and a pair of shoes just sitting on the ground a few steps away with a call log between a conspiracy theorist and a moonbase operator

    There was a legendary facewear in his trailer. I kept trying to load in to get one with a mod slot.

    It's in the badlands somewhere near a satellite array where you drop off that dude that Dakota has you rescue.


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