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GET 20 FREE PERK SHARD – CYBERPUNK 2077 PERK CHARD POINTS LOCATIONS – Cyberpunk 2077 Guide will provide you witha ll the perk shard locations that are free to get and all you have to do is go to the locations that I show you in the video and you will have all those 20 free perk shard points. Perk points in cyberpunk 2077 allow you to level up and with these 20 free perk shard points you can upgrade your character fast and easy. #cyberpunk #cyberpunk2077 #laserbolt
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Cyberpunk 2077 How to get Shingen Mark V Legendary SMG:
Cyberpunk 2077 God Mode Enabled:
What is he saying as his hello introduction?
Great guide, but your FPS made it hard to watch.
What kind of mod did you use to get that much money?
thanks for this great video learned alot
You are a legend! Did them all!
If you Find 2 one one body you can dupe them infinitly
Time Stamp
0:00 – Intro
1:52 – Perk Shard (1) Watson
3:51 – Perk Shard (2) Japan Town [Assault in Progress]
5:40 – Perk Shard (1) Santo Domingo [Assault In Progress]
7:55 – Perk Shard (2) Santo Domingo
10:01 – Perk Shard (1) Santo Domingo [Reported Crime]
12:25 ‐ Perk Shard (1) Heywood [Assault in Progress]
14:04 – Perk Shard (1) City Center
15:26 – Perk Shard (1) Right Outskirts
17:11 – Speed Glitch
there is one by the tama viewpoint 🙂
Super duper eze super duper LOL
I so wished I had known about the "Learn" option earlier
My issue with smart weapons is:
1. They're so OP it's dumb not so use them; and
2. Once you equip them (esp the epic and legendary variants) they make the game boring.
That said, it's hilarious when you point your gun in the general direction of your enemies and just seeing the bullets all land critical headshots.
It's like watching a scene out of a Steven Seagal movie.
The Cyberpunk graphics face Cam is cool. I like the full send mentality. Well done.
Holy shit the 3d sex bot was right!
Thank you so much
thanks choom!
Awful framerates. Gave me motion sickness. Thank you though.
This still works on patch 1.1.1
If you are low level just equip a projectile launcher with tranquilizer rounds, one shots pretty much every enemy in the game.
This is a must for every play through thank you good sir.with sparks flyin
Hi sir
The shades that are double . Were you learn one & keep one. Will this work has learn both but get double the rewards make 4 ??
Worked for me as of 03/06/2021
Got em all. Thanks!
I have a perk shard that i duplicated 500 times but as i gat more it is not in my inventory?
Dude I dont think you have enough money.
Honestly, I felt like 1.11 was already a pretty stable update to the game, and I personally didn't have any major issues. With that said, I thought everyone should know that as of today(March 29) the game has been updated to fix a MASSIVE amount of bugs.
So that means, no more clipping through walls using the car, no more V's mansion, no more speed glitch, no more sliding to avoid fall damage, etc, etc. Yes, it's ALL gone. In one. Single. Update. Not sure about anyone else, but I'm kind of frustrated about it. It removed a lot of "fun" bugs that people actually enjoyed doing and weren't hurting anyone, in a "single player" game, even. Kind of lame…..
Haven't checked yet if perk shards no longer give double the points. I'll have to load an older save file to see.
As of Patch 1.2, this no longer works. You only get 1 Perk Point when using the Learn option.
Update on this it has been patched. I tired it and no luck. Too bad was fun while it lasted
Uncanny valley vibes
Unfortunately that shard glitch seems to be patched on my screen so yea keep that in mind I guess
It sucks but this is patched. Here's wishing the update never happened
Are the shards still in every location here in patch 1.5?
The learn option has been patched, now it’s just one and done!
I’m using PS4 game version 1.6 so yeah kinda late but I did get 4 shards better than nothing. Glitch no longer works. Thanks though 😅