Forsen Reacts to overpromise, sell, underdeliver Cyberpunk 2077 by Crowbcat (With Chat)

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Date of the stream: 18.01.2021
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Forsen Reacts to overpromise, sell, underdeliver Cyberpunk 2077 by Crowbcat
Forsen Reacts to overpromise, sell, underdeliver Cyberpunk 2077 by Crowbcat With Chat
Forsen Reacts to overpromise, sell, underdeliver Cyberpunk 2077
Forsen Reacts Cyberpunk 2077
Forsen Reacts

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43 thoughts on “Forsen Reacts to overpromise, sell, underdeliver Cyberpunk 2077 by Crowbcat (With Chat)”

  1. __,,,,、 .,、

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  2. As someone playing it on PC. It runs better sure, less pop ins etc. But the game is still buggy as hell lol.
    Anyone who says they haven't had any bugs, is lying lol. They may not have bothered you, but they are everywhere.

  3. Quit playin a bit after launch because of all the bugs so I decided to try it now that it's completely bug free on pc according to fan boys. Very first mission I did this mini-boss enemy bugged out and just stood still while flashing in and out of existance until I killed him. In the next cutscene the city outside the window of the car kept going from dark to light in a buggy way. This is on a ryzen 5600x and 2060 super so I can run the game on high with over 70 fps. Copium hitting critical levels.

  4. God I wish it worked fine on PC. I have 170 hours in the game and it was none stop bugs (I have a 3060 Ti and AMD Ryzen 5 2600). Sure it works as in … you can play it and it doesn't really crash (at least not for me, seen other people's game crash while streaming on twitch), but throughout the entire game, the bugs you see here do also occur on PC. The only real difference is on the last gen consoles, this stuff happens so much that it's unplayable. On PC and current gen consoles the bugs happy constantly enough to make the game feel like a joke at times.

    Some people defending the game will act like it works perfectly fine on PC and the nmake claims anyone who says otherwise likely has a crappy PC. But you can literally look up video after video, watch let's players, watch other streamers. People who have a 3090 still experiencing these bugs. I have not watched a single person playing this game go through it without any bugs occuring.

    So the question is this. who are you going to believe. Someone who claims they never experience bugs despite all the video evidence including PC footage, or some person who has no footage?

    It's a fun game, well designed city, and the story is alright. But that's about it. Oh, and music is good too. Everything else is pretty average or mediocre.

  5. If he would've just checked the description of the video, he would have seen that all the clips were original and played on pc and ps4. Imagine what bugs crowbcat encountered that didnt make the vid because it would have been way longer

  6. I actually hated cyberpunk pre release with a passion. From what we got of the game before release it seemed to like normiefy the aesthetic, but i played it when it came out (because someone bought it for me and i forced myself to play it as to not waste that persons money). And i actually like the game like its a fun lil game to fuck around in, especially with the dev console mod.

    So yeah, its funny to me how i absolutely despised it before and now like it and others were sucking the games dick 24/7 and now hate it
    althought i gotta say the character creation is absolute dogshit.


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