Fastest Way To Level Athletics Skill – Cyberpunk 2077

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26 thoughts on “Fastest Way To Level Athletics Skill – Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. For anyone interested, the "real" best way to level athletics is to use the berserk OS cyberware (zetatech berserk mk5 or another) – while the berserk mode is active (that OS removes your hacking for berserk) you have infinite stamina AND attack faster – you can then just spam punch as fast as you can and you leave each 30 seconds use of berserk with 1k+ XP.

    It sucks that you have to invest in an expensive OS before being able to enter berserk, but it allows you to earn athletics much faster than punching the air.

  2. Before I received the side quest for killing the Mecha Suit Cyberpsycho , i had already killed him. So when I went there for the mission he was alive , but I wasn’t able to kill him again. His character was just frozen but not taking damage whatsoever. So for some reason the game thinks he is still alive and gives me athletics xp for attacking him with a katana. Idk if this is a glitch for everyone , but try it out and let me know if it works!

  3. Not the fastest at all, this is like only useful for the first few levels of leveling up. Berserk os, double jump cyberwear, dodging and using gorilla arms to take out your opponents. Honestly athletics is meant for the shotgun/blunt melee combat style, so play that way and it maxes out in a few hours.

  4. I hit a wall with block punch. 20-22 times you get the 20-25 exp.and by level 6 Athletics takes about an hour. Longer the higher you go. Swing Punches: 100. Single Jumps: 100. Double Jumps: 47-50. Swimming: 4-6 minutes. Speed Running: 6 minutes. Climbing: 100. I did them all. The one thing that does a lot quick, without cheating or using glitches, is Breaking Into Things. The higher your Body/Technical the more you can do but even that's limiting.

  5. To all those looking for a way to level Athletics… There is a dual tire punching bag in the gym area of V’s apartment complex. Just punch away at it using power punches, when you deplete your Stamina, the Health bar will pop up and show a old weight symbol (kettlebell). Keep doing this and after a couple times you’ll get 20 xp for Athletics


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