DO THIS First! Prepare For Phantom Liberty Expansion! – (Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 Tips and Tricks)

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Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 is here! In this Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 guide, I’ll help you prepare for the Phantom Liberty expansion by giving you several tips and tricks you need to know for returning to Cyberpunk 2077. Enjoy!

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0:00 – Prepare For Phantom Liberty
00:20 – New Or Existing Choom?
03:06 – When Does PL Start?
03:57 – Plan Ahead
05:34 – Get Those Stats Up
(Additional Description Tags): cyberpunk 2077 things to do first,cyberpunk 2077 tips,cyberpunk 2077,cyberpunk 2077 tips and tricks,cyberpunk 2077 beginners guide,cyberpunk 2077 what to do,cyberpunk 2077 what to do first,cyberpunk 2077 beginners tips,cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0 guide,cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0 things to know,cyberpunk 2077 prepare for phantom liberty,cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0,cyberpunk 2077 how to prepare for phantom liberty,cyberpunk update 2.0 tips,norzza,cyberpunk phantom liberty

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35 thoughts on “DO THIS First! Prepare For Phantom Liberty Expansion! – (Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 Tips and Tricks)”

  1. Probably gonna play my main first, been waiting to continue his story. After that I’ll likely just skip to phantom liberty to avoid the opening act like the plague forevermore. It’s such a slog every time.

  2. Super excited for this. I bought a new cutting edge pc just to play it lol. I never got that High end experience when the game first came out. My computer was mid tier. Im ready to start a new game with all the settings maxed. Super immersion time

  3. I LOWKEY wanna restart my character over really bad (I beat the base game already), BUT I don’t wanna have to hunt down all of the legendaries I had from the base game. I know after every update cdpr had a habit of moving the location of the legendary weapons around for some reason smh and I don’t have time for that bs.

  4. Went ahead and started a new character, my first character would've been 100% ready but in terms of replaying for the story and since 2.0 is pretty much an entirely new game it seemed fitting

  5. 5:39 damn your characters have got the mean drip going on haha. Love the clothes. I chose all my clothing based aesthetics I never even paid attention to clothing stat boosts etc and it didnt affect my playthroughs

    Glad they changed this up. Nothing worse than playing a game with ugly mismatched silly outfits on cause of stats 😅

  6. I feel like im the only one who wont make a new character. It would take way too long to replay the story up to the new dlc. I already have a brute build and a net runner build that I beat the gane with, imma continue with them

  7. I'm loading old save no question because on one of my 2 playthroughs I have completed every gig every street gang police encounter. That was a lot of work I want to start at top of my cyberpunk throne;).

  8. I think I'm going to go ahead & go with the old save. Between the fact that enemies now level scale & you can still get the all the new weapons w/ a new save. I don't see the need to go through a game I already have dumped hundreds of hours in again. Plus I purposely left an end game save w/ all the organized crime missions to experience that new enemy AI

  9. I'm conflicted about what I want to do, but I think I'll play with my current "old" build before replaying with a new character. At least then, I'll be able to see the impact of any choices I've made as my "V" up to that point while also enjoying the new story. I do want to go and replay the whole game at some point in the future, as I want to see what replaying after 2.0 feels like.

    I have only been a Corpo (on the PS4 version) and a Nomad (on the PS5 version), so a 3rd playthrough would allow me to try out being a Street Kid!


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