Cyberpunk 2077's Metro Update Will Be Huge (Update 2.1)

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Alright what’s up? Seriously, are you okay? I don’t know if I am to be honest with you. Maybe this is proving too much for my neurons to process.

Join me today for a little dive into the upcoming 2.1 update for Cyberpunk 2077, and more specifically, the addition of NCART 3 years on from release. Let’s discuss this upcoming update and what it may bring to the world of Night City.

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27 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077's Metro Update Will Be Huge (Update 2.1)”

  1. Agree with you 100%. I would enjoy the immersion of a working metro in NC, but actually building gameplay or gigs around it is the ideal. I don't know if there's any other game that has that as a mechanic, actually.

  2. probably the metro stations and the metro cars work the same way as some gigs, i.e. the screen goes dark for a while, after which V teleports inside the metro car. the fast travel system makes the metro system pretty much pointless. CDPR should add an ultra immersion setting, which would remove fast travel from the game and change the "fast travel machines" to Delamain taxi stations. fast travel is cancer and only morons use it.

  3. These things are important for immersion and role-playing, idk what it is about Night City, but it's the only virtual world that I actually enjoy just walking and driving through. GTA and RDR both have impressive worlds, but idk something about them just fails to capture my attention, while Night City just feels so alive and real. I already see myself riding the shit out of this thing. Amazing update, hanging out with your romance partner is amazing too, most RPG's are just done with romance's after you got the sex scene and it's disappointing.

  4. I think this is also just the devs adding things that they always wanted to add but couldn't due to fixing the game up to now. Now its mostly fixed (I still get occasional crashes out of nowhere), I think they are trying to add the bits they wanted originally. Even though I will probably only use it a handful of times, it's great that it's there and adds to the world. Whether you use it or not.

  5. i like to look at it what an active ncart is, simply:
    it's another zone for NPCs to spawn.

    and think of what modders have done in other areas – turned static NPCs into street vendors, opened up quick hacks, stealth takedowns on NPCs, increased spawn rate of gangs in cars, increased crowd density, etc – i can't WAIT for the "10x npc ncart population" mods, the "meet me on the ncart" mods for companions ..

    and furthermore – are we stuck sitting? can we walk around like that npc? can the glass be destroyed? can we climb out? what happens if you get a star rating on the ncart? will maxtac fly along side and breach the doors? can we find Reed's iconic spot where he jumped onto the train roof and do THAT?? 😁

    it just all gets my scopbrain churning. damn i love this game 💖

  6. The NCART update is very important, I doubt anybody will use the train to actually get around more than once or twice, but the fact that the option exists adds a lot to the believability of the game world. However I'm skeptical about the way this feature will actually be implemented, particularly when it comes to immersion.

    For one, it looks like riding the metro will essentially work like the rollercoaster, where your interactions are limited to what you can pick via the conversation system. You can't actually walk around the train freely or pull out your gun and start massacring everybody on board like in Mafia, hell you can't even walk around the boarding platform, the game just does the "glitchy screen" thing after you select the destination and warps you inside the train.

    Second, I think the reason they're doing it this way is to avoid updating the metro lines or the "ambient" trains that spawn around the city, which is pretty disappointing if true and basically just makes this feature fast travel with extra steps.

  7. On the topic of transport, isn't it weird how every car in this game has self-driving tech (even the century old ones) but they only use it as a glorified valet service? I get that some people prefer driving you'd think in a city as rampant with crime as Night City the layman would rather replace the windows with metal plates to keep them safe and just let the car drive them to their destination.

  8. More romance options seemed more viable, I just didn't see the point in revamping the metro system.
    You spend the majority of the time either driving or running around Night City. Surely they aren't
    considering keeping us stuck in Night City in the next new major content release, otherwise people get will get burned out.
    Personally, I would love for us to go to a place like The Crystal Palace, the lunar base on the moon or even Japan.

  9. For me this feels like early Christmas. NCART, portable radio, motorcycle wheelies? I already spend like two hundred hours just walking or driving around the city without actually really playing. And now given more tools for doing it? Yes please!

  10. Good. Now can they introduce a flashlight feature to the game? Seriously, I'm loving CP2077 since 2.0, completed the game before that, and still baffled as to why we still can't get a damn flashlight.

  11. I think CDPR are just prioritising adding features to the game that were prominent in edgerunners before dropping support for it. Especially considering how massive of a revival this game had post edgerunners, they definitely want this game to feature a lot of the stuff that was shown off in the anime, such as the NCART, Adam Smasher's boss overhaul, among other small things too.


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