Cyberpunk 2077's Brutal Beginning and Righteous Return

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Assistant Editor: Harrison Fonder

A Cyberpunk video has been something I’ve wanted to make for literally years now. I knew the dawn of the fifth day would come for Cyberpunk, it was only a matter of time. That doesn’t mean it’s a completley perfect game. But it’s definitely playable now! So I think it’s time we discuss it all! Thanks for watching!


Drezo – Guap:
Gesaffelstein – Ever Now (pleasefuckdie remix):

#cyberpunk2077 #phantomliberty #cdprojektred


45 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077's Brutal Beginning and Righteous Return”

  1. The eating ass meme kinda fits you Jack xDDD
    I mean your fart jokes and you probably like eating ass 😉
    They advertise these to you perfectly!

    Loved the video and you delivered! Good work Jack!

  2. I don’t think the overtly raunch ads are there to be funny- one of the pillars of the cyberpunk genre is how when there’s nothing left to to be commodified, the human body is turned into a commodity. Hence all the genital modifications etc. We all know that secks sells and I think that having those ads everywhere shows a narrative where governments can’t control the lengths corporations can go to with advertising. Honestly I think it’s good world building

  3. Real quick, just wanted to comment on the ad in game with the booty. I also got that one way too much, but I don’t think it was supposed to be for comedic effect. I almost think it’s for a dystopian effect to show how disconnected and unashamed people are in this era.

  4. Fun fact: Johnny is less of a terrorist and more of an unreliable narrator who misremembers events from flashback scenes. It was confirmed by Pondsmith that he only tagged along for the ride and had little to do with the bomb in Arasaka tower.

  5. The part where you were talking about how some of the games dialogue or sequences running a bit too long is so true though. I just did a gig where I was blowing up people with grenades and jumping in the air, shooting AK's to my enemies and doing 360 no scope while chugging mountain dew… and now I have to sit for 30 damn minutes talking about "Do you ever wonders" and "What does it all mean?" Like, jeez shut up and let me shoot a bunch of chromed SOB's, whenever I want to try to do a replay from the ground up of Cyberpunk, I immediately shut that down cause I do not wanna waste half an hour talking about life again, my friend gave up on the game cause he got bored in those moments, I convinced him to just do gigs and skip certain cutscene/dialogue and boom, he finished the game and really like it.

  6. Seems like you should check game settings and controller settings more often.

    Ps did you know that a long press to open menu will go directly to the map. Hope this works on pc as well. This is dame as with qitcher 3, where a long press gies directly into inventory

  7. YO great video as always jack, gonna have to replay the game now. i think iv mentioned it in your comments before but, iv been loving this extraction dungeon crawler game called Dark and Darker. AKA D&D, its inspired by the table top game but its a ton of fun and would love to see what you thought of it. maybe check it out sometime. #notsponsoredjustanerd

  8. Jack, somehow you always capture exactly how I feel about these games.

    I am in one of the lucky camps that I had ZERO knowledge of all the bugginess and all the initial hype, and I went in totally blind earlier this year.

    All I can say — is this is now my standard for this type of immersive experience. It blows the competition out of the water.

    And I haven't even played Phantom Liberty! AND they're adding MOAR stuff! Incredible.

  9. I saw the bridge in the back and was like that looks familiar!! Then I saw the buildings glad to know Jacksonville has some cyber punk fans other than me 😅 immediately subscribed when I saw where you were at!

  10. Another one of those that can not sit through one single cut scene and complaining about the game. Can you watch a movie? a show? do you ever read a book? Have you played a CRPG? AVG? I'm blocking your shitty 'content'.

  11. It’s funny how many thing you pointed out that you had no idea existed until someone pointed it out, but you missed one. Attribute reset is in the game and it is unlimited there’s just a fee to use it.

  12. just a comment about the 'funny ads', it's honestly just straight up commentary on how brazenly sexual and devoid of any morals or values that Night City is in. The hypersexualization is just outright intentional and part of the genre. It's societal progression and regression all mixed in the hyper-capitalistic dystopia, and that's kind of a big thing with the cyberpunk genre as a whole. It definitely pops up a lot but honestly, it's just par for the course it seems.

    I wouldn't say it's intended to be funny, just more… Depressing and even a bit disgusting really. Think of it more like a Black Mirror episode honestly.


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