Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X Gameplay: 1 Year Later

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Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X Gameplay 2021 Update patch 1.31 Timeline of this incredible game of the year type of next generation game. It’s an epic open world RPG bringing countless hours of play through a narrative driven venture that includes the likeness of Keanu Reeves! Xbox Store: [Ad]. It’s wild, insane and quite amazing. Checking out performance on Quality or Frame Rate. It brings one seriously dense and impressive world to explore with so many things to do.

Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X Gameplay 2021 Updates & DLC Timeline of this wild and insanely in-depth futuristic title. It brings heavy narrative driven moments, one exciting mature tale. The character customization is beyond imagination. You’re able to explore in the first person whether you’re doing so on foot or within a vehicle. It’s a breathtaking world that never seems to end being expansive in scope with many locations you can visit along the way.

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#Cyberpunk2077 #XboxSeriesX Gameplay fun weapons and open world exploration of this large scale and exciting world. It really is just remarkable with such detail that many games don’t even hold a candle to. It’s so beyond the style of The Witcher and a true journey to go on. It doesn’t hold back with deep RPG mechanics and ways to play it along the way. Certainly surprising, and such a delight.

This has such a thrilling time attached to it, it’s exciting and so fun. It’s easy to get into and really is accessible to all that want to play it. There are many tasks, and activities to take part in as you explore this very interesting futuristic world. It offers fun upgrades, ways to change things up and action the whole way through. The ultimate best Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X review and gameplay.


27 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox Series X Gameplay: 1 Year Later”

  1. I was lucky enough to pick up a Series X a couple months ago and I have CP2077 but I’m STILL refusing to play it until the proper next-gen patch is released. It looks like a game that I will thoroughly enjoy but I want to experience it in the best way possible.

  2. My Series X will be delivered soon…coming from PS4 Pro, I’m happy with the services that Microsoft is focusing on and the retro compatibility is amazing…can’t wait to play BO 1 and BO 2!
    I really want to see Cyberpunk in quality mode because I love this universe and I believe that this game is going No Man’s Sky mode and will receive great improvements and content on the following years.
    Keep up with the great content, Captin.
    GOD BLESS. 🇧🇷

  3. Nice revisit Cap. I bought this on release for series x. I was happy with some parts of the game and super disappointed with a lot of other things. I will check it out when a series x/s patch is released but I’m not expecting a lot of the games issues to be fixed

  4. IMO the bugs are the only thing that held this game back. When it comes down to mission structure, CD Projekt makes side missions interesting like main missions unlike other devs. They did the same with Witcher 3.

  5. OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— i got it from 💜 💜 "0:28" OEs

  6. I'm sorry but this is far from next gen ,last gen, the gen before that. Everyone saying this is next gen must not have played shooter games the last few decades. If I'm gonna play this on next gen , it better feel realer then this. I'm not buying a $500 system to walk around with just better slightly enhanced visuals to talk to NPCs, not about that life.

  7. Awesome video, man! Something I find super strange, is that the experience seems to differ between Series X consoles, on performance mode. (Makes no sense.)

    I recently played through the whole game on Performance mode, and ie: Traffic was abundant, and functioned correctly, people were everywhere. The world seemed lively.
    Outside of a few random bugs and FPS drops. (From 60-40'ish during hectic combat scenarios) The texture pop-in/out. The janky driving feel, and some things just not able to be interacted with or picked up. The experience as a whole was actually not as bad as some others that I've seen play it on Series X. Excited for the next gen update, though!

  8. God this game is a turd, it’s not the bugs that ruin it the story is terrible, the world is way too big and spread out, the driving is terrible and there’s way too much of it and there’s way too much pointless busy work.

    I feel like someone should have told them no a few times instead of trying to do everything at once. It’s truly a story of being way too ambitious.

  9. play this game from the first time and love the s.f world on this game.finish this game and replay..i wish many games like this…but for now is on ps.awainting for upgrade for next gen consoles.Big like for this game.After the WITCHER ,CDPR make this great game.CDPR become Elon Musk in video games.I think Elon love this game because is so futuristic like him..Cybertruck from Tesla remember Cyberpunch


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