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Man that ain't VINCENT
It would be sick if Fortnite had a Bendy and the Ink Machine collab. Any thoughts?
Yet no Neo lol
All I need now is the back to the future collab
Canon V was male. They should've added him to the collab.
Oh cool ARCANE is BACK!!!
I might actually pick up V
Boo I want Male V not a chick… not interested
Silverhand using an Arasaka katana,really?
They should have made V both male and female and add several options for customization like the alien since V is a created character
I've been hoping for this collab ever since they added Geralt in Chapter 4, and the next seasons theme was Cyberpunk adjacent. Might be the first time I ever actually buy a vehicle. Only other gaming collabs that I would love would be Ghost of Tsushima (also perfect for this season) or Baldurs Gate 3. I doubt the latter game would ever happen though, but a man can dream.
Just wait til someone uses Johnny Silverhand and tells a random squad, "Youre a colorful bunch."
It should have been selectable between both V's 😭But the mantis blades are sick
Im seriously a diehard fan and love this collab. And honestly I dont entirely mind the fact that I dont see vincent included. Its just no edgerunners that pisses me off a bit considering how much that just feels like night city's lights
But honestly I really love the fact that Valerie and Johnny are here. Specially Val bec that ending after doing absolutely everything else and the realization piece near the end in cyberpunk literally had me bawling my eyes out. But it was a bittersweet end. Seeing the very 2 I played the entire story with hits a lot closer to home for me.
Might honestly buy the whole set of items for once solely bec I love cyberpunk so much and the impact it left on me.
When do you think we will we get doughberman???
Now we just need WB to give Epic permission to make actual Matrix skins and Keanu can have three skins 🤣
Omg. Is that Shadow The Hedgehog 😮
Is the guitar included in the night city denizens bundle or no?
Cyberpunk Porche would be awesome… and some Ghost of Tsushima skins… Jin Sakai?
I’m disappointed they didn’t add Adam smasher
Only female V? Massive collossal L. Shouldve been Vincent. To be honest though, I never wanted this collab. All I wanted was a David Martinez skin. Fml
Stop adding those goddamn instruments to the bundles. I would've preferred a glider ten times over the guitar.
litterly playing cyberpunk rn this is amazing
I’m kinda pissed we didn’t get Vincent, cyberpunk is the one single game I chose a male character in
2:07 wow
Boo they should’ve done David everyone knows Edgerunners is what revived the game
I literally just bought cyberpunk last night been sleeping on it for a while its such a great game man
no vincent? epics agenda is getting tiresome
V looks more like the most recent Valerie from the expansion pack, unfortunate we didn’t get the original or Vincent
I was going to get v but na
If they ever add Vincent I hope it's the trailer version
Surprised there's no SUVs, wonder if they gave up on those lol
The bundle is so good and I'm definitely buying it! The only gripe I have is they didn't include Male V. As someone who played mainly Vincent all the way through the platinum, he would've been cool to see too. Regardless, I'm just happy to finally see something Cyberpunk in the game! ❤
Not buying they didn’t add male V cause they GOTTA HAVE A WOMEN be the cannon character now when it doesn’t even make sense the story works better with a male. It was written to be about a dude
johnny V where is male V ? male one is the original character
I'm also very surprised we didn't get any jam tracks like Never Fade Away or I Really Want To Stay At Your House. Definitely happy we got Johnny's guitar tho! 🤘🏻
No male v why they did what they did to the assassin creed Valhalla skin only one no male
I love cyberpunk
Also love how johnnys backbling is just straight up a nuke
And his katana is from the people he hates