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Hey guys hope yall having a blessed Sunday! Enjoy 👍🏾 and also tune into the discord chat!
You really got the Intro game down, Always getting me excited for the episode 😂
God damn I love how you have all the stories back to back to back reminds me of my first play thru
Phantom Liberty tips! —->
1. Do it during the day or you’ll be stumbling in the dark!
2. Bring lots and lots of money cause you’re about to be a kid in a candy shop.
3. Bring your A game cause you’re in for some FUUUUUUN 🎉
@2:33 If you complete all 9 of Dakota's gigs, she'll give you a new vehicle, cheap.
1:09:28 it’s a dildo, but the game kept it PG for you 😂
Panam, Claire, Evelyn, now River's missing nephew…that was an eventful episode!
There's a free weaponized vehicle in Watson, industrial sector, in some warehouses. That's the only hint I'll give you, 'cause you don't get any notifications or anything unless you see it, so a lot of people miss it unless they already know about it.
The scene with Panam in the tank is probably one of the best scenes in videogame history
@1:14:54 .. It's Night City, happy endings are rare; for anyone.
Was waiting on this one 😅 massive episode to 🙌🏼 ❤ love to see your enjoying it as much as I did my first time playing, even though it is a lot better now the story still hits the same
I just finished adding over 200+ mods in addition to my VR mod…im on my 3rd playthrough…i think this is my fave game, ever…😏
I always play stealthy, so its dope to watch u jus go in….😂🤣
cyyyyberpunk letsss gooo 😎