Cyberpunk 2077 What does Maiko say when you dont kill woodman February 23, 2021 by Lamia Kitsune Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ source
Did suicide quickhack on Woodman. The look of sheer horror on his face when he grabbed his own knife and slice his own throat was magnificent. Wish it was slower tho Reply
I wonder what would woodman say if you killed maiko. Probably nothing coz hes chillin in a cooler box for that extra stealth points. Reply
Oh my god the tension between Maiko and V Maiko>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Judy Reply
Screw woodman he betrays me and judy and the rest.
Did suicide quickhack on Woodman. The look of sheer horror on his face when he grabbed his own knife and slice his own throat was magnificent. Wish it was slower tho
S A U L has returned I see
I wonder what would woodman say if you killed maiko. Probably nothing coz hes chillin in a cooler box for that extra stealth points.
Did you ever try calling Panam after you tattletale on her to Saul?
I beat him with Meredith's Magic Meat Mallet. Karmic Justice
Couldn’t let him go what he did to Evelyn was disgusting
Fucking Saul and his undying support
I blew woodmans brains out
Saul fits so naturally into the frame i didnt even notice him until the last second lol
Saul is also an Engram
Oh my god the tension between Maiko and V
Who cares gonna kill Maiko anyway lul.
Damn i wish i could romance with Maiko