Cyberpunk 2077 Was Always Good

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Cyberpunk 2077 has always been a good game.
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11 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Was Always Good”

  1. agreed man- I had to wait to upgrade my PC and couldnโ€™t really afford the consoles available on its release so I just had to sit back while people trashed a game that I watched with great anticipation. Now that Iโ€™m finally able to play Iโ€™m loving it so much, (limited) warts and all.

  2. Iโ€™m sorry, but you make it sound like it was easy to play at launch. I have played the launch version of Xbox and PlayStation and neither where stable, even the versions a year out where unstable with constant crashing. Now for the non crashing issues (flying apcs and the like) where not nearly as intense โ€œthe mediaโ€ portrayed. And most recently (about 6 or 7 months ago) I ran into some visual bugs, but Iโ€™m not as concerned with those as I am with a game crashing every 10 minutes.

  3. Ii brought this game three times and it's improved vastly from launch. I couldn't even get through main story dialogue without my game crashing. Faces rarely loaded. People didn't load as well as their faces and glitches were everywhere.

    Instead focus on how much the game improved since then and how the anime renewed interest in it. Because Cyberpunk 2077 WAS NOT always good

  4. Never fails to disappoint me how short people's memory is and how willing we are to tolerate greed and lies. Smh.

    CDPR changed video game marketing forever and set back developer/studio and consumer trust until the foreseeable future. CP77 will forever be a reminder of how greed and EGO can influence even the most reputable and trustworthy companies to resort to deception and lies.

  5. Yea cyberpunk was good, I ran it on a series x and had little problems with it, nothing that took away from the great story and gameplay, and I bought my brother a copy on his Xbox one X, it ran fine for him, more buggy than mine but he was still able to beat it and enjoy the game


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